Monday, July 28, 2008
Passion overdone
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Living in the Nest
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Favourite Movies A
MILF Guy #2: Dude that chick's a MILF!
MILF Guy #1: What to hell is that?
MILF Guy #2: M-I-L-F Mom I'd Like to Fuck!
MILF Guy #1: Yeah dude! Yeah!
![]() | Kevin Spacey | ... | Lester Burnham |
![]() | Annette Bening | ... | Carolyn Burnham |
![]() | Thora Birch | ... | Jane Burnham |
![]() | Wes Bentley | ... | Ricky Fitts |
![]() | Mena Suvari | ... | Angela Hayes |
Lester Burnham: Mine. 1970 Pontiac Firebird. The car I've always wanted and now I have it. I rule!
Carolyn Burnham: This is a $4,000 sofa, upholstered in Italian silk. It is not just a couch.
Lester Burnham: [shouts] It's just a couch!
Lester Burnham: Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go fuck himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.
Carolyn Burnham: Your father seems to think this type of behavior is something to be proud of.
Lester Burnham: And your mother seems to prefer I go through life like a fucking prisoner while she keeps my dick in a mason jar under the sink.
Carolyn Burnham: How dare you speak to me that way in front of her. And I marvel that you can be so contemptuous of me, on the same day that you LOSE your job.
Lester Burnham: Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT. Someone pass me the
Carolyn Burnham: Oh, you don't complain? Then I must be psychotic, then! What is this? Yeah, let's bring in the laugh-meter and see how loud it gets.
Lester Burnham: [Lester throws the asparagus plate at the wall] Don't interrupt me, honey!
Lester Burnham: [sits back down to eat] Oh, yeah, and one more thing, from now on we're going to have alternate dinner music because frankly - and I don't think I'm alone here -
[looks in Jane's direction]
Lester Burnham: I'm tired of this Lawrence Welk shit!
Gangster Names
If You A | Your Name Would Be |
DJ | L Dow |
Porn Star | Bowie Watt |
Rock Star | Pink Auddi |
Rock Band | Lisey 27 |
Punk Band | Happy Freaks |
Detective | London Lisey |
Gangsta | L Pink |
Prank Caller | Bowie AdvarkLips |
Super Hero | Private Aussie |
Stripper | Ruby Maree |
Smurf | Crazy Smurf |
Macaroni and Tofu Bake....Actually YUM!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Fave Music A
amanda marshall - i'll be okay, i loved this song from hearing it on the My best friends wedding soundtrack. the clip is just audio.
american hi fi - the art of loosing. i loved this from watching dawson creek. its a Jack song it plays it the final when he gets pulled over driving through capeside by doug witter. (this means nothing to no DC fans but i love that moment) i absoultly adore this song and can literally listen to it all day.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
blog lifting....but music is sex
i love music so much always have bascially i equate music to sex. and if its not loud its not worth listening to! so when im driving around the music is blaring. adrian hates this. in his old age (when i first met him, i loved how he listened to music, you could hear him coming from streets away) he says that the music dosnt need to be above a 9 level in our car, when i love to listen to it at 25!
so stay tune for future post on this subject :)
im also going to do a movie version of it as well. im such a movie buff and am frequently on IMDB i thought id also compile a list of my fav movies a-z which will include quotes and trivia from the movie
Ghost make a lite sleeper lighter
a couple of months ago for about a fortnight my lamp on my bedside table tuned its self on and off. it is a touch lamp , and no i didnt accidentally knock it. it took a couple of times for me to figure ou it was the lamp and not a random flash of light. weird thing is it dosnt flash through the dimmers that touch lamps have it flicks on straight to full light then off.
it only happens occasionally on my lamp now but every night Adrian's lamp now does it. the weirdest thing is it happens between 2.30 -3.00 am. every night! so if im not awake it manges to wake me up. it is now kinda freaking me out to an extent. is it a ghost? or is it an electrical problem with our lamps? both lamps? but it happens same time every night. same time!
very weird!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Giant Questionair
okay so im blog lifting this form my aunty's blog but i cant help myself i love answering questions :P
General Information:
Name: Lisa Maree Dowdell (nee McInnes)
Gender: Female
Height: 172cm
Weight/Build: Medium
Hair color and style: short dark brown. i normally wear it shoulder/chin length though
Eye color: Hazel
Distinguishing physical characteristics: mmmm?
Distinguishing mannerisms: i talk with my hands, and run my hands through my hair a lot.
Date of Birth: 2nd july 1981
Place of Birth: Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia.
Where I grew up: Liverpool and Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
Mother’s name: Kym Maree Andrew (nee Bennett)
Father’s name: Gary Paul McInnes (but known as Quince)
Step Father's Name: Craig Phillip Andrew
Name(s) of siblings: Paul (22) Beth (17) John (step, 15), George (step, 13) Connie (step, 12) Jack (5)
Name of spouse/love interest: Adrian Dowdell
Name(s) children: none yet
Favorite color: PINK.
Favorite kind of music: Rock from the 60-80s i like pop/retro too
Favorite songs: i have way to many favorites to pick just one or even 10
Favorite poems: i dont think i have one,
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite holiday (and why): Honeymoon to Surfers Paradise 2002, um becuase it was my honeymoon, and my first official holiday.
Least favorite holiday (and why): i dont think i have one
Feelings about holidays in general: i like holidays :) i enjoy them more now cos im working,
Feelings about New Year’s: great time to party and get drunk with my friends, which generally ends up with me doing something stupid, liek last year i tried to drink frozen vodka slushis straight from the machine and i also thought i could sing Khe Sahn.
Feelings about Valentine’s Day: pointless holiday i dont feel the need to celebarte or even acknowledge
Feelings about St. Patrick’s Day: i like st pats day cos its the day after my anniversary and i have irish friends and my name is now irish
Feelings about Easter: i enjoy easter, i enjoy the religious significance and probably observe easter more reliogious then Christmas, i do ash Wednesday, shrove Tuesday, good Friday and participate in lent.
Feelings about Halloween: i didnt grow up with holloween so i dont care about it, its my aunty's bday and also my brother georges bday
Feelings about Thanksgiving: we dont celebrate thanksgiving in aus
Feelings about Christmas: i love everything about christmas aswell, and its the only time i go to mass (it should be much more!)
Favorite movies: Grease, Sound of Music, Dirty Dancing, Notebook, Chicago (noticing the theme there?) Pulp Fiction, Godfather, Resviour Dogs, Harry met Sally,
Favorite T.V. shows: So you think you can dance, amazing Race, next top model, biggest losser
CSI, CSI NY, Law and order, SVU, Cold Case
Desperate housewives, Lost, Brother and Sisters, Greys Anotonmy, House, Big Love, Weeds, Nip/Tuck, ER
Friends, Will and Grace
Jon and kate plus 8
(god watch tv much?)
Favorite wild animal: i love lions and tigers cant wait to go to tiger island in a weeks time they just had cubs!!
Favorite domestic animal: Dogs
If I had a pet, it would be: i have a dog and a blue tongue lizard
My favorite alcoholic beverage is: Midori (with lemonade, illusion shots or splice) appletinies, melon champagne, Rum (bundy and coke, bundy and bundy ginger beer otherwise known as a dark and stormy). Desert white wines or a Rose. (favs are from Lucy's run, Brown brothers, Ernest Hill)
My favorite non-alcoholic beverage is: Water, Diet Coke
My favorite meal is: Pasta or Roasts
My favorite snack is: Pies(apple), Chocolate, Chips and popcorn, i love fruit too :) .
My favorite dessert is: Apple pie, Mud cake
My favorite fruit is: Passion fruit, cherrys, pinapples, kewii fruit, bananas, melons
My favorite vegetable is: Brocoli, cabbage, sweet potato
My favorite people are: Adrian, Mum, Jen, actually all my immediate family
My least favorite people are: annoying ppl, ( ill say in general ;) )
I like to watch these sports: CRICKET, AFL, NRL, RU
I like to participate in these sports or exercises: ummm
My favorite teams are: SWANS, KNIGHTS, WARATAHS
My favorite newspaper cartoon is: i loved fred basset when i was younger and used to collect his cartoons they rnt in the paper anymore though :(
My favorite T.V. cartoon is: Simpsons, Rugrats
My favorite manner of dress is: Casual, jeans and t shirt, hoodies
Clothes are: great i wish i had more style and money for them
My signature scent: i wish i had one, i love romance by ralph lauren
My hobbies are: Reading, scrap booking, adrain's cricket team, facebokking, blogging
I collect: salt and pepper shakers, Matryoshka dolls, and worry dolls, teddy bears
My occupation is: Preschool Teacher
My politics are: liberal (meaning im up for rights of everyone, stem cell research, gay marriages, ect)
My religion is: Catholic
I feel this about religion: I love religion, i actaully love studying it, and i wish i had more faith, power of faith and pray is invaluable to a person
My social life: Is not as exciting as i would like
My ideal mate: A person who gets me and i can be totally honest with
An ideal date: a nice meal
This is how I feel about sex: It's great, who dosnt want more of it ;)
Marriage: is great i love being married, but dont think everyone should or have to be married. sometimes a commitment is just as important as the paper. but i think everyone should really look into the reasons why they are marring before they do get married
Divorce: is not for me i married for life. but i also understand that if things were bad ( i mean really bad) between adrian and myself i would go. i believe that if it is bad between a couple they should divorce rather then stay "just for the kids" its just harder on the children when they are fighting. but i think you both need to earn you way out of the marriage, try everything before accepting its over
A friend is: One of the most valuable things you'll ever have.
Crowds: ?? very important at sports games, but i would rather go shopping without them
Racism: Not to be tolerated at any time.
If money were no object: i build my dream house and preschool, give to charities and have an extra large family (probably adopt too)
If I had three wishes: Fall pregnant, win the lottery ( to do the above), cure for aids and cancer, environmental fixes,
My country: australia
My greatest strengths are: my optimism
My greatest weaknesses are: procrastinating and useless worrying, and obsessivenesses
My greatest fears are: drowning, chocking, germs
I am also afraid of: mirrors, spiders, & clowns
It’s hard for me to: not to obsess over things
These things make me angry: ignorance, intolerance
These things make me sad: inability to fall pregnant, injustice, cruelty
These things make me happy: family and friends, good food, great movies/tv, and great crciekt and footy, baths, massages, haircuts, manis and pedis
The most dangerous thing I ever did: have chemo (it scares me that one of the side effects was an increase risk of cancer)
I felt heroic when: I handled being diagnosed with cancer and was strong for my family
I felt like a coward when: avoid things
My favorite possessions: photos, scrapbooks, my dolls and teddies (yes this include muffy)
I trust these people: adrian, mum and jen
My relationship with my mother is: great its a total open relationship i can tel her anything even our sex lives
My relationship with my father is: also good, its not as strong as when i was little but its not dysfunctional either and id be lost without him. i probably take him for granted
My relationship with my sibling(s) is: im close with all of them and would hate to lose any of them, each one is a unique relationship to itself
Some scents that evoke positive emotions: cooking, vanilla, beach
Some scents that evoke negative emotions: lavender i hate lavender and everyone things is fucking awesome i dont get it.
These things are in my pockets / purse: tissues, cards(lots of them) phone, ipod, camera, photos (thats my handbag) (wallet- cards, money, photos)
These are my favorite quotes: "once i frew like raphel, but it has taken a lifetime to draw like a child"-picaso and "if the grass is greener on the otherside, water your lawn"
My earliest memory: hiding under my gandmothers bed with my aunty when i was 6 months old
My favorite toy as a child: muffy a stuff dog that mum brought for 50 cent to stop me rolling on my stomach or back when i was a baby, he went everywhere with me for my first 10 years, and came to my wedding, adrian even brought him to the hospital for me when i was admitted
When I was a child, my mother: bake apple pies, teach me games,
When I was a child, my father: take me to the footy, read to me
When I was a child, my sibling(s): younger then me so some wernt born yet
My mother’s cooking: Was excellent.
My father’s cooking: also excellent
My mother always said: "you half job everything"
My father always said: "clamper"
My grandparents: look after me when mum went backto work and during school holidays, and i was very close to them
My extended family: would come over frequently or we went there mostly, had periods of time though we didnt see some for months at a time.
Pets I remember: i had heaps of dogs, birds, fish, lizards, cats, frogs, turtles, hermit crabs, guinea pigs and a rabbit, and a sheep at one time (sounds like we lived on a farm but we lived in normal suburbia, we just were aloud to have many pets
The house where I lived as a child: i moved 9 times before i was 9. the house we eventually settle into was a 3 bedroom house in watt street, leumeah (suburb of campbelltown) nsw
My best friend when I was a child: i didnt have a best friend really until highschool, and jen became my bestie when i was in yr 8
My first day of school: confusing and exciting. i was a "M" meaning i started on day 2 and for a long time i thought i started half way though the year because other kids showed me around who had started on day 1 (the first half of the alphabet) i was excited to go and thought kids who cried were babies
My favorite elementary school teacher: mr Natress, my yr 5 teacher, he was the best teacher great at capturing the class and i had huge respect for him, and when i failed to do my home work once i felt ashamed i let him down, he also started my love of maths.
My least favorite elementary school teacher: have to be mr harrison my yr 3 teacher at the time i had a ball in his class but he was hopeless and let me get away with everything
As a child, I liked to play: Hand ball, ride my bike, bush walk, play back yard cricket, build cubbies, play video games.
As a child, I didn’t get along with: a lot of kids sometimes i kinda bounced around groups for a while
My best Halloween costume: i did halloween once when i was 10 i dressed up as a witch
The best Christmas: they were all pretty good.
The worst Christmas: the year my grandfather died.
My favorite T.V. shows: As a kid? - batman and robin, bewitched, brady bunch, i dream of jeanie, (yes lots of re runs )
My favorite movies: wizard of oz, sound of music, sleeping beauty
My favorite books: beatrix potter books, magic porridge, suggle pot and cuddle pie, 3 billy goats gruff, rupunzle.
My favorite foods: baked dinners and apple pies
The best party I attended as a child: my 8th birthday and my cousins bday at maccas oh and new years eve parties particularly 1989 in was the day b4 my cousin was born and remember my aunty being scared that she was going to go into labour that night
The worst party I attended as a child: ?
When I was a child, religion: wasnt important or influence by my parents but i went to scripture lessons and enjoyed them and had a sense of faith my self, i enjoyed my holy communion and going to bible studies as well
In elementary school, I was this kind of student: that plotted along i only become a good student when i made the effort my early teachers certinatly didnt
Junior High and High School Years:
Junior high school was: enjoyable
My favorite junior high teacher was: mr edwards my English teacher
My least favorite junior high teacher was: mr hamer my japanese teacher
My first day of high school was: exciting and nerve racking i just wanted to be put into classes with my friends
My favorite subject in high school was: math, english, geography and science (okay nerd much?)
My least favorite subject in high school was: PE/Sport
My favorite high school teacher was: im taking this as yr 11 and 12, Mr Keogh my math teacher
My least favorite high school teacher was: again mr hamer my jap teacher
In high school, I was involved in: just class work no extra curricula stuff for me
Sports: no sports but the ones i had to do
Music same music as i like today basically, INXS, stones, beatles, u2, talking heads, silverchiar. i also like backstreet boys
My extracurricular activities meant this to me: umm
The person who influenced me most in high school was: mr edwards i suppose
My friends were: jen, casey, kim, andrea, melissa
My best friend was: jen
I didn’t get along with: i didnt not get along with anyone really just some kids you dont click with
My first date: was with Adrian to a chinnese restaurant in bowral
My girlfriends / boyfriends were: no bf in high school
I had an unrequited crush on: man who didnt i have a crush on lol, David and Ethan were the big ones though
My favorite books: VC andrews books
My favorite movies: romeo and juliet, resvior dogs
My favorite T.V. shows: friends, dawsons creek
Religion: catholic?
A party I enjoyed: after the yr 12 formal
A party I didn’t enjoy:
I thought drugs were: not to be messed with
My most embarrassing moment was: reading in front of the class and crying during a speach
My best memories of high school are: lunch time with friends
My worst memories of high school are: fighting with my japanese teacher
When I was a teenager, my sibling(s): anoying little pest
I learned to drive when: i was 24
My first car: daewoo lanos was the car i learnt to drive in
Best and Worst:
The best thing I ever did for my mother: love her? her when she needed it the most
The worst thing I ever did to my mother: fight with her
The best thing I ever did for my father: ? shares his interest i suppose
The worst thing I ever did to my father: encouraged mum to leave him
The best thing I ever did for my sibling(s): be there for them and support them when they needed me
The worst thing I ever did to my sibling(s): probably tell them off, they hate me bossing them around
The best thing my mother ever did for me: give birth to me
The worst thing my mother ever did to me: ?
The best thing my father ever did for me: parent me
The worst thing my father ever did for me: blame me for his and mums separation
The best thing my sibling(s) ever did for me: be my siblings, be there when i needed them
The worst thing my sibling(s) ever did for me: tell me they hated me
The best thing anyone ever did for me: marry me
The worst thing anyone ever did to me:betray my trust
The best thing that ever happened to me: getting married
The worst thing that ever happened to me: infertility
The best day of my life: My wedding day.
The worst day of my life: when my grandfather died, being diagnosed with PCOS
The worst decision I ever made: i dont know i dont regret my decisions by i regret how i went about them
The best decision I ever made: getting married
College / University:
College was: enjoyable and inspiring
My friends in college were: tristian and melissa
In college, I liked: child dev and play sessions
I hated: boring subjects like hygiene and menu planing, and goals
I dated: i was married to adrian
Parties: no parties
Studying: children servives
Sports: Our TAFE's (college equivalents) don't do sports.
In college, I was involved in: n/a
I majored in: chn services
I earned this degree: diploma in children services
My favorite college professor was: sue cant, jo radsovic and anne roydes
My least favorite college professor was: jan white, alex mayers
The best thing that happened in college was: Meeting Roger and Steven
The worst thing that happened in college was: Getting distracted and leaving before finishing so i had to start again
Love and Marriage:
I had the following serious romantic relationships as an adult: adrian
I met my spouse / fiance / current love interest: 26th june 1999
I knew I would marry my spouse / fiance when: the day i started dating him.
I knew I was in love with my spouse / fiance / current love interest when: i wouldnt of risked what i did if i wasnt
My friends thought / think my spouse / fiance / current love interest is/ was: i dont know the same as i do cute at times other times annoying
I proposed / was proposed to in this way: over the phone april 11th 2000 and officially march 3rd 2001
My bachelor / bachelorette party was: sydney habour on wild boys afloat
My wedding was: march 16th 2002 , st pauls catholic church and camden valley inn
The best wedding gift: food proceesor i really wanted one , oh and pasta maker and stock pot
The best thing about my spouse / fiance / current love interest: playfulness
The worst thing about my spouse / fiance / current love interest: indecisiveness
My first job: preschool teacher.
I had these jobs before my current position: preschool teacher
My work record: i have been working for 4 yrs now
My current job:preschool teacher
I chose my profession because i love teaching
If I lost my job: i would get another teaching one ( which i did )
The best thing about my job: the kids
The worst thing about my job: parents who dont understand
omg that took FOREVER!!
Do these people have a heart?
yesterday i watched 4 documentaries about Auschwitz-Birkenau. i know i cant believe i watched 4 of them in one day either. i have seen quiet a few of them now and but still constantly shocked that it happened that people actually planned to build a concentration camp for the sole purpose of mass murder. not only did they do that but they schemed a way to deport millions of Jewish people form all over Europe to the camps to murder them. and sometimes they even traded Jewish people from the French and British. the Slovakia government actually paid the nazis $500 for each Jewish person they deported to Auschwitz. the documentary spoke to one of the Slovakian guards who has participating in the deportation of Jewish Slovakians to Auschwitz. his job was to sort to the possessions left behind by the Jewish people. he laughed about how he and the other guards had done well by being able to take home cloths and shoes and other things left behind. he thought it was funny that he and others had benefited from the deportation of his fellow Slovakians. i couldn't believe he could just sit there and laugh. if i was him i would of been so ashamed that i had participated in the holocaust, and would not be laughing about it, even 60 years later. the interviewer asked him, how he could of participated in the deportation knowing that the people were being sent to their deaths. he said he was in two minds about it, saying it was "easier" with out Jewish Slovakians in Slovakia because they were "lazy" (he laughed as he said this) but at the same time he knew that "some people were innocent among them". i couldn't believe my ears "some?" none of the jewish people were guilty of anything ekes apart from being Jewish. how could he still maintain this fact after all these years?
they then spoke to a former nazi who states he did not want to participate in the deportation and that he was stationed at Auschwitz. ( i know that not all nazis were willing participants in the holocaust and some had no choice, but if i was one of these people the stuff that went on at Auschwitz would haunt me forever if i had bore witness to it) the guard spoke about how the people were divided up once they arrived off the trains and his job was to sort through the rubbish left behind (this was mostly suitcases and other possessions brought by Jews with them) he described how the "rubbish" even included people to sick or unable to move. he said he saw a guard drag a child "by its legs and threw it in the lorry when it cried they bashed it against the lorry and it become silent" again i couldn't believe he could refer to the child as "it" like it had no meaning like he still believed what Hitler was saying that the Jewsih people were "sub-human"
the guards all said that they generally believed that the Jewish people and the allies had a world plot against the Germans and were guilty. they were asked "but children? surly children were not guilty they could not have done anything to you?" the guard said "especially children, they would grow up to be Jews in was in their blood"
looking up at my title i realise that it is ill fitting because really of course they couldnt have a heart if they still feel this way.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
so i made my brother a thief
then while i was still looking mum walked out and left jack in the store with me at this point he had a spider toy in his hand which i assumed mum had brought him, on our way out he mentioned the spider and i said "yeah mum paid for that" and we walked out. when we were back outside and on our way down the sky lift mum sees the spider and says "oh did u buy him the spider?" i said "um no u did, didnt u?" she says "no!" then we realise that "oh O! we stole it" well i stole it. i turn to jack and said "u didnt buy that u stole it jack" he looked at mum and screamed "no i didnt it was Lisa! she didnt pay for it!!" i was so shoked he just gave me up in a heart beat! i said "well thats the last time i bring u in on anything, youd sell me out!"
p.s typically im normally dont intentionally steal and i wouldnt teach my 5 yr old brother to steal either
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance - Jack and Rhys supper FUNNY
i wanted to go sooo badly!!! im figured out a way though lol! i brought the tickets fro my mum and my sister for mithers day and beth bday.
so we went i was totally beside my self went they started not beliveing we were there. i want to see a few dances jack and kate singing in the rain/hip hop dance and rhys's and gemma's waltz, jack and rhys's broadway dance and the group dance with the crow dance
so we got to see them all yayy!!!
and Jack Rhys and Demi are supper funny and know how to work a crowd!
my fave was the bit after kates dance with henry, anthony and grame and before jack and rhys broadway dance.
loved jacks tap solo too!!!
soo great cant wait for next year and thank god the american one starts tomorrow night!! :)
i wish i could of see the show one more time at least