
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


this is my first post via web for a while lol

so i thursday (6-8-09) i went up to get my blood results from the FMAU and when the ob spoke to me he said he wanted to deliver the baby. he then asked "are you happy to book in the c-section for tomorrow?" that would have to be the weirdest question i have ever been asked lol. i thought wow tomorrow? tomorrow? i signed the consent, had an injection of steroids to help bubs lungs cos she was still considered premi being just on 37 weeks. went home to have dinner, get my bag, call parents etc (super fast spring clean and unpack of boxes ;-) )
adrian and i thought itd be a great idea to go out to dinner since we didnt know when we would next get a chance to have dinner by ourselves. went to vaby's and i stupidly order Portuguese chicken. that gave me heart burn for the next 12 hours until i gave birth! then we went up to the hospital. i kept thinking i must look awesome wheeling my own bag in to the maternity wing and a fast pace walk and people thought i was in labour hehehe
i was admitted, i was originally told id be given a sleeping pill to help me sleep and id have the next steroid injection at 12am so i thought id stay up until then and then get the sleeping pill after which id be nil by mouth. at 12am i asked when is the injection? and they said i couldnt have it until 3.30, so i didnt have my crappy tamazepam and was awake all night
we were told that the cs would happen between 8am - 1pm so adrian didnt plan to get up to the ward until 8am. at 7.45 a porter came in to transfer me down to the or, i cried the whole way down thinking they shouldnt have taken me down without him. but the porter had picked me up early by accident and took me back i got back to my room just as adrian was getting there.
at 9 they came to get me again, i was wheeled into the anti-room where the anesthetist walked me through having an spinal-block. i was totally terrified having a spinal-block due to having a lumbar puncture the previous year that scared the crap out of me i needed double sedation and threatened to jump of the table half way through.
at 9.30ish they wheeled me into the or i was transfered to the table and asked to sit on the edge put my feet on a stool, bend over into my knees into a pillow and had one anesthetist cuddle me to keep me still, while i pushed my back up against the other administering the spinal-block. she gave me about 6 injections of local antiseptic, then injected the needle which gave a the horrible twinge in your back, then the actual drug, which you could feel instantly spread through to your feet. by the time i turned around and began lying back my feet were already heavy and i was having trouble moving them, they inserted the catheter (yik, thankfully the numbness had taken effect in that area ;-) )
the doctors then did ice test up my legs and over my torso to see where the drug had worked, it took longer to work on my left torso section once it had worked, they put up the screen, taped my hands down and brought adrian in. they kept telling me "you cant help with the operation" like really? do people attempt that?
the nurses told me a few times if i was going to be sick to let them know asap so they could push drugs to counter act, then they brought me over a basin, i was thinking "im not going to be sick, i dont need that" the thought was barely formed when i threw up, they had already pushed the drugs they knew before i did i was going to be sick from my falling bp and pale face. i was totally freaking out because of how thirsty i was i hadnt drank anything since the night before and i was so thirsty it sent me crazy i was asking for water and thought i would die before i was aloud to drink, being sick actually took my mind off it until after the op. the nurses went off at me for eating portuguese chicken the night before after i was sick.
i thought theyd let me know they were starting. i herd this large spray of water it sounded like a fountin being turned on, adrian told me its my waters breaking, then they start tugging, they confirm she is a girl, adrian sees a foot, more tugging. than i herd Lilly's cry out. she is taken to her ped and midwife adrian goes to cut the cord, i ask has she got brown hair, the only mystery i had left, she hasnt cried again, they work on her to get her to breath which feels like forever. adrain is ushered over back to his chair more reviving a teeny cry more reviving, then crying and they wheel her over, i cant really see her at all. they rush her up to special care nursery and put her into a humidicrib, she has low blood sugar levels and is having trouble breathing.
they sow me up, im taken to recovery, then up to my room, while adrian is with our little girl. i fall asleep. a porta comes and gets me half an hour later and im wheeled down to scn an hour after she is born. she has a drip in and she is sucking on her cannula thats bugger than her hand. im so upset that she is hungry and im not aloud to feed her yet. we are aloud to touch her through the humidi crib. at 10pm 12 hours after she is born im taken back down, and im aloud to hold her for the first time and feed her :D

Friday, August 28, 2009

preloude to a drama queen

So this is how miss Lilly came early ......
From the time I was around 30 weeks pregnant I started to become icreasingly itchy, I thought at one stage I had nits or a bed bug infestation as it came on mostly at night and would effect my sleeping
Than it started happening during the day, almost my entire body was itchy, it was unbearable I'd spend all day scratching and would scratch until I bleed,
Eventually I went on the bubhub and posted a msg describing my symptoms on the forums. People replyed saying it could be Obstetric Cholestasis, which affects the liver functioning and bile is realeased back into your system which causes the itchyness and most cases babies are induced early
The other option is PUPPS
The following wednesday i asked the midwife who ran our birthing classes about it she thought it was Cholestasis (OC) and told me to tell the ob at my next clinic visit on Monday
(side note we moved over that weekend)
On Monday I told the ob about it she thought it was oc too and sent me for a blood test the next morning and oragnised an appintment in the featal maternal assement unit (FMAU) for Friday to get the results
On Friday I go in my liver function (LFT) is through the roof and so is my bile acid test confirming OC the midwife took my BP and it wad very high, I had never had a high BP in my life, an internal was done and discovered bub was breached
They talked about delivering me since I was 36 weeks and via c section due to breached bub
The ob who admitted me wanted to try and keep me until 37 weeks
They admitted me and I was placed on meds for the OC and BP I also had to do a 24 hour urine test where totally gross I had collect all urine for a 24 hour period
On Monday I was aloud to go home, because my LFTs had lowered but still were high so i was put on bed rest and told to cone back to the FMAU every 2 days
On Thursday I went back for my next appointment to FMAU BP still high and LFTs and Bile acid test still high
The ob said he didn't see any benifit of keeping the bub any longer that it was more dangerous trying to extend the pregnancy any longer for the benifit of bub development, esp since bub was 37 weeks so he booked a c section for the following day due to breached
I was given an injection of steroids for bubs lungs and was aloud to go home to have dinner and wad admitted at 9pm
The next morning I was taken at 9 down to the or to have the c section
At 10.2am on 7-8-09 Lilly Maree Dowdell was born
I'll post another blog to detail the c section


obstetric cholestasis


Sunday, July 19, 2009


Yes my first stretch marks have arrived
Not sure when I first started this blog but I thought I'd might finish it lol
Yes the morning of this blog (the date should remain the same) I discovered my first two stretch marks, they just literally appeared over night I know one morning they weren't there the next they were, they were two faint purple lines vertically down my stomach about an inch long, by the time I was admitted to hospital to have bub I had two more the same and the two originals had grown to about 3 inches now 18 hours after baby they have already shrank and started to fade so I got a good deal I suppose ;-)
But was still so shocked to see them at first given how fast they appeared and that they took a while to appear in the pregnancy

standards we hold

Recently I've become inceasingly annoyed at the standards we hold towards our sporting figures
We expect them to be perfect even when we arnt ourselves, we expect all of them to be a "role modle" for our children, but do they need to be put in that posistion? When they had aspersions to become a profesional sports player I don't think their goal was to be a role modle
These days yes they get paid the big bucks and we expect them to be peferct in every way for the money we seam to think we pay ( we forget they are emolyed by the clubs and sponsers not the public)
We expect them not to drink, not to go out at night, not to have sex with the hords of groupies that thrown themseleves at them ( yet applaud them for being in bachelor competions, and calendars to raise money for any charity) even if they are single. When we find out a sports player has been involved in a sex scandle even a consecentual sex we immeadiatly bland the sports star as he should of know better not the women she takes no responsiblity at all!! ( I'm not talking about rape and sexual assult!, those men need to be held accountable! And face jail time)
Recently watching the third state of origin game it ended with the blues and Qlders punching up each other and Steve price carried off the field with supected neck injuries, and players from both sides being sent off,
the net went wild both facebook and twitter had ppl all night wringing about the thugary in the game and ppl complaining about role modles. Yet those of who remember watching the origin in the 80's when it began know it wasn't a "game" if a fight didn't emerge, that's what origin such event it was state v state, mate v mate meaning your team mates you train and play with every week were now on an opposing side, the game was that emotional and intense ppl expected fights would happened no one complained back than!
Then you have Andrew symonds who was fired from cricket Australia because he had a beer in public, it's no secret Andrew has been in trouble with mangement for quiet some time regarding his history with alchol it seams when he drinks trouble follows him, ( I know the public would stir him up when coming accross him at a pub) Andrew admitted after certain on field events he became depressed and became a binge drinker after some incidents he signed a contract with cricket Australia saying he wouldn't drink in public ( yes Andrew broke thus agreement and deserves punishment) whilst on tour in England for the ashes Andrew went out with some if the team to a pub to watch origin one, naturally drinks were part of origin who could begrudge players that as almost everyone sits down to watch origin with s beer in their hand, when cricket Australia found out symonds was fired, he will never play for Australia again, a talent wasted,
Now remember a generation ago when the Australia cricket team flew to England for the ashes, David boon drank the whole 24 hour flight? He went down in legend, breaking dougie Walters record, they are both remember for these events rather than their carere highs, the centuries, the wins, the dismisals. There is not one baggy green that exsist that doesn't have beer stains on it (except some new rookies who have yet to play s winning game) and we celebrate this side of cricket Australia, we love seeing the boys get plastered after a game and we love hearing 24 hour drinking binges that could of jeapordised their health, I have even heard from dougie own lips that he turned up to an ashes test completly drunk after drinking all night before, the morning of and turning up just as coin was tossed and walked out at number 3 wasted to bat no one fired him! Yet symonds has some beers in public turns up Late to practice and is fired?
But that's what we expect these days

baby classes

So we started baby/birthing class 3 weeks ago. Scary and funny at the same time!
Week 1 we went through what our feelings are on being pregnant what we like what we don't and how our partners have changed- was good knowing that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do :-)
Week 2 we had a physio that went through position for labour, we watched this ridiculous video of women in labour doing a belly dance simliar to hola dancing and when the husband was helping it just looked wrong!! it looked like they were having sex, then Adrian says "they were in that position 8 months ago" we were laughing so much then much to our horror we all then had to practice doing them!
Week 3 we had the midwife back to bitch about the physio and she went through actually pushing the bub out and our drug options
I'm pretty confident I can do this even if I'm a little freaked out as there is no turning back now!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

guess the movie

this is from facebook but i love the whole concept so im sticking it here first 
A. Pick 25 of your favorite movies.
B. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
C. Post them in a note for everyone to guess.
D. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
E. NO Googling/using IMDb search functions. That's cheating, and it ruins the fun.

in no order.....

1. Peachy keen, jellybean.

2. Get in the water. 
 No! I'm scared. 
 [yelling] Get in the water, woman! Get in the water! 
 [calmly] No I'm sorry baby, please just get in. 

3.You just put your pickle on everybody's plate, college boy, and leave the hard stuff to me. 

4. I love you, Pumpkin.
 I love you, Honey Bunny. 
[Standing up with a gun] All right, everybody be cool, this is a robbery! 
 Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya! 

5.Lemme tell you what 'Like a Virgin' is about. It's all about this cooze who's a regular fuck machine, I'm talking morning, day, night, afternoon, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick. 

6.My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator. 
 Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed. 
 Oh. Who's being naive, Kay? 

7. After that my guess is that you will never hear from him again. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that... he is gone

8. No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how. 

9.What she's done? I'm all but lame from the bite on my leg! 
 Oh! You mean she bit you? 
 No, her dog! 
 Oh, she bit her dog, eh? 
 [exasperated] No! 

10.  [sounding official] Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal. 
 What happened? 
 [getting nervous] Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you? 
: We're sending a squad up. 
: Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous. 
: Who is this? What's your operating number? 
 shoots the intercom
: [muttering] Boring conversation, anyway

11Now, when I want you, this is what you will hear. 
[blows whistle
: Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir. I could never answer to a whistle. Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals, but not for children and definitely not for me. It would be too... humiliating. 
: Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the Abbey? 
 Oh, much more, sir. 
: Hmm. 
[starts walking away.  blows her whistle & he turns around
 Excuse me, sir. I don't know your signal 

12. Repeat after me. Pepper. 
: Pepper. 
: Pepper. 
: Pepper. 
 Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash. 
: Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash. 
: But I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie. 

13.You can like the life you're living, you can live the life you like. You can even marry Harry, but mess around with Ike.

14.Go ahead... make my millenium. 

 Yo Yo Yiggady Yo. 
 I'm at suicide risk. 
: ....? 
: No, it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting? 
: Only the one in my pants... 
: I'm pregnant. 
: What? Honest to blog? 
: Yeah. Yeah, it's Bleekers. 
: It's probably just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch? 
: No, this is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout. 
: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing... 
: I don't know, I drank like, ten tons of Sunny D... Anyway dude, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier. 
: Is this for real? Like, for real for real? 
: Unfortunately, yes. 
: Oh my GOD. Oh shit! Phuket, Thailand! 
: There we go. That was kind of the emotion that I was searching for on the first take. 

16.: I just wanna go to the rooftops and scream, "I love my best friend, Evan." 
: Let's... go on my roof

17: Your father and I were just discussing his day at work. Why don't you tell our daughter about it, honey? 
: Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go fuck himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus. 
: Your father seems to think this type of behavior is something to be proud of. 
: And your mother seems to prefer I go through life like a fucking prisoner while she keeps my dick in a mason jar under the sink. 
: How dare you speak to me that way in front of her. And I marvel that you can be so contemptuous of me, on the same day that you LOSE your job. 
: Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT. Someone pass me the asparagus. 

18.What do they think I am? Dumb or something? Why, I make more money than - than - than Calvin Coolidge! Put together!

19.: Your Peter Pan complex is so 90s. 
: What Peter Pan complex? 
: The one you're so proud of. 
: Do you have any friends? 
: I don't have time for friends. 
: That's because of your Captain Hook complex. 

20.Peace? Peace. I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee


: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved. 
: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved, think about all the lives she will save, that little girl could have saved Sean. 
: [yells] Don't you *ever* say his name! 
: You used the memory of my dead son to set me up. 
: [yells] You used the memory of my dead son to set me up! That was the one thing you knew would drive me to murder. 
: What are you going to do now, Lamar? 
: [yells] What're you going to do now, Lamar? 
: How are you... 
: ...going to shut me up? 
: I'm sorry, John. 

22.: Be careful man, it almost hit me that time! 
: , you're the goalie. It's supposed to hit you. 
: Does that sound stupid to anyone else? 

23.: Are you okay? 
 Peachy, Kate. The world's my oyster, except for the fact that I just rammed a wooden stake in my brother's heart because he turned into a vampire, even though I don't believe in vampires. Aside from that unfortunate business, everything's hunky-dory

24Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestat's words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be. 

25.What is it with this chick? She have beer-flavored nipples? 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

a looooong absence

So it has been 16 weeks since my last blog, ok that sounds like a confesional! I've had a lot of posts floating around inside my head but havnt had the time to post of justify spending the time posting even though I spent a lot of collective time on facebook ( collective because I mainly use my phone or ipod to check updates etc but only go on for five minutes at a time and use it when I'm going about my normal daily activity)
So here is a quick update of what has been happening and promos to elaborate as soon as my uni semester is over
I've survived another 16 weeks of pregnancy many of that first 10 weeks was still filled with morning sickness and 2nd trimester morning sickness is worse then the first!
I've had two ultrasounds one at 13 weeks to rule out any adnirmalities and genentic disorders and a routine at 19 weeks which I had hoped to find out the sex was very excited waking up that noting knowing I'd soon know what bub was and was disapointed walking out after bub refuse to let us know
Bub is now kicking all the time!, make that ALL the time Adrian sometimes calls bub Bruce Lee, we are both hoping that it's not going to be this active when born and never want to sleep I like to think it's an active sleeper , but I'm now thing my 26 week old fetus has add and needs me to cut down my sugar intake not that I actually have that much! Pehaps retalin will do it lol
I've had one glucos tollarance test next one in 2weeks
I manganged to finish two uni assignments and get pass grades but now have two more due and haven't started a thing and am conteplating pehaps pulling out of the subjects and redoing them next semester
We applied for a home loan and got pre-approval from 3 banks and found two different house only to be knocked back on the final approval stages based on campbelltown property market and the fact I haven't been in my current job for I year, but 14 weeks short! So if we were sitting in the first week of august no problem except for the fact who wants to buy at 36/37 weeks pregnant putting moving time at your due date?
Sadly after a 3 year battle with cancer my beautiful Nan died on Thursday the 21st of May at 9.00pm EST. Nan progesivly got sicker particuarly over the last 6 months but never gave up right to the end, my last two visits with her were the toughest things I have ever done and the loss was still a big shock even though I knew it was coming the tough thing is it feels like ive lost Dar all over again too. I hope nan is at peace now and not worriying about any of us

Beryl Dawn Bennett
Born on 29th July 1934 to John and Emma Dehurst in the Hunter region, near Newcastle,north of Sydney. She was the youngest of 12 children and only one to be born at hospital
Wife of Kenneth Richard Bennett for over 40 years until his passing in 2000, mum to Allan and Gill, Peter and Cheryl, Kym and Gary and Craig
Nan to Lisa and Adrain, Rebecca and David, Paul, Oscar, Beth, Madaline, Debroah-Ann and Jack
Great Granmother to Landon, and many more to come
She passed away in bowral hospital in the southern highlands of NSW on the 21st May 2009
We allways be loved and missed!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 10

so i went and brought up the duff by kaz cooke and have been reading it every week to "monitor" bub D's progress for those who dont know its a pregnancy book written by a aussie chick who was fed up with all the conflicting and confusing and un-relatable information she was reading in other pregnancy books whilst pregnant with her first baby, so she combined useful and truthful information she gathered from books, internet, mothers, doctors, midwives and put in a real aus girl guide to pregnancy 
its set out with a week by week whats going on with you and the baby's development, a week by week dairy written with a as "hermoine" which is a dairy based on her experiences and stories from others.

so last night i was reading hermione's weeks nine and ten diary and found myself laughing out loud in true sense not a lol sense! so here is an extract

week 9
when she is booking into the hospital she plans to deliver her baby ".....the hospital has a lot of patients who believe in circumcision their boy children before they are old enough to have an anesthetic. if i have a boy, i might have to write "no circumcision" on his forehead until i leave ....."
".....the list of things were instructed to bring to the hospital on the baby's birth day is more mystifying the longer i look at it. "underclothes including underpants and maternity bras: well, what other kinds of underclothes are there? do people usually take flounced petticoats and lace teddies? "one or two packets of nursing pads" oh dear. not a clue what they are. 
then theres a whole list of baby stuff they want you to bring, for which well need to borrow a road train. "four bunny-rugs" four? whats going to happen with the other three? does baby shred them during tantrums? do they all go on at once? how cold can the kid get? what exactly constitutes the bunnies of a rug? "baby hat, and bootees or socks, and mittens(optional)" well, im glad its all optional. because it hadnt previously occurred to me that a person less than a week old should have a hat and gloves. stockings, maybe. but lets not go overboard. the kid can develop its own sense of elegant matching accessories when it leaves home and can afford to buy its own forma wear 
further suggestions include "essential oils, glucose lollies, large t-shirt, or old nightie, socks, toiletries, book or magazine ect., t-shirts and shorts or swimwear for partner if desired" i have never imagined labour as a scenario in which i am lying back reading while hubby does a few laps. its all very confusing. and at what exact point during labour would one read a book? "the babys head is crowning!" "dont bother me now, Mr Darcy's just going for a swim in the pond"......."

week 10

at the first ultrasound "......"look its waving" the doctor says pointing out a head, arms, and legs. the head seams to turn towars us, like something out of an alien movie.
"oh fuck, thats too weird" i say and nobody answers.
it occurs to me youre not supposed to say fuck during an ultrasound. repeat after me: mumies ought not to say fuck. sigh. so much to learn..........."
" says everything is normal. normal? i want to sneer. ive spent my whole life running away from normal. i dont DO normal, i want to be interesting i want... okay itd kind of reasuring that everythings normal. ill admit it. you dont want the doctor to say "what the...?, that cant be?...or holy catfish! ive never seen that before, do you mind if i call some friends to come over and have a look?"......"

ill keep posting the funnies 
cheers lis 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

inside the actors studio

These questions are the last questions they ask the actors that apear on the actors studio which is a great show if u have never seen it

1. What is your favourite word?
- I don't think I have one the closet one is fuck but the most said one is man or oh my god/goodness

2. What is a word you hate?
- I can't stand " my bad" it's a sucky excuse for an apology I also hate the word accreditation which all child care workers will also share a hate for

3. What turns you on?
Secret kisses, laughing

4. What turns you off?
Lies and selfishness

5. what is a sound you love?
- I love giggles from kids of just the cool theories they have and I love music most music
6. what is a sound you don't like?
- squels or screaming it pieces right through you esp a bad day

7. what is your favourite course word
Obviously it's fuck I find it hard not to use this in most conversations

8. what profession would you like to atempt other than yours
- probably writing

9. what profession would you not to try other than yours?
- cleaning I used to do this casualy for mum it's not for me

10 if heaven exsits what would god say when you get there?
- I've been waiting for you!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


So I have my first craving. The morning of my 6th week and I wake up wanting fish n chips really really really really bad it's like I have never wanted another food more than this or been more hungry in my life.
I didn't think cravings started this early!! And I never thought they were this powerful!!! After a quike search on baby /pregnancy websites I noticed that a lot started craving food at 2-3 weeks wow I didn't know that and one women wrote "i'm five weeks and I can't get enough of fish and chips"
Well I must go so I covince someone to get it for me .....