
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Yes my first stretch marks have arrived
Not sure when I first started this blog but I thought I'd might finish it lol
Yes the morning of this blog (the date should remain the same) I discovered my first two stretch marks, they just literally appeared over night I know one morning they weren't there the next they were, they were two faint purple lines vertically down my stomach about an inch long, by the time I was admitted to hospital to have bub I had two more the same and the two originals had grown to about 3 inches now 18 hours after baby they have already shrank and started to fade so I got a good deal I suppose ;-)
But was still so shocked to see them at first given how fast they appeared and that they took a while to appear in the pregnancy

standards we hold

Recently I've become inceasingly annoyed at the standards we hold towards our sporting figures
We expect them to be perfect even when we arnt ourselves, we expect all of them to be a "role modle" for our children, but do they need to be put in that posistion? When they had aspersions to become a profesional sports player I don't think their goal was to be a role modle
These days yes they get paid the big bucks and we expect them to be peferct in every way for the money we seam to think we pay ( we forget they are emolyed by the clubs and sponsers not the public)
We expect them not to drink, not to go out at night, not to have sex with the hords of groupies that thrown themseleves at them ( yet applaud them for being in bachelor competions, and calendars to raise money for any charity) even if they are single. When we find out a sports player has been involved in a sex scandle even a consecentual sex we immeadiatly bland the sports star as he should of know better not the women she takes no responsiblity at all!! ( I'm not talking about rape and sexual assult!, those men need to be held accountable! And face jail time)
Recently watching the third state of origin game it ended with the blues and Qlders punching up each other and Steve price carried off the field with supected neck injuries, and players from both sides being sent off,
the net went wild both facebook and twitter had ppl all night wringing about the thugary in the game and ppl complaining about role modles. Yet those of who remember watching the origin in the 80's when it began know it wasn't a "game" if a fight didn't emerge, that's what origin such event it was state v state, mate v mate meaning your team mates you train and play with every week were now on an opposing side, the game was that emotional and intense ppl expected fights would happened no one complained back than!
Then you have Andrew symonds who was fired from cricket Australia because he had a beer in public, it's no secret Andrew has been in trouble with mangement for quiet some time regarding his history with alchol it seams when he drinks trouble follows him, ( I know the public would stir him up when coming accross him at a pub) Andrew admitted after certain on field events he became depressed and became a binge drinker after some incidents he signed a contract with cricket Australia saying he wouldn't drink in public ( yes Andrew broke thus agreement and deserves punishment) whilst on tour in England for the ashes Andrew went out with some if the team to a pub to watch origin one, naturally drinks were part of origin who could begrudge players that as almost everyone sits down to watch origin with s beer in their hand, when cricket Australia found out symonds was fired, he will never play for Australia again, a talent wasted,
Now remember a generation ago when the Australia cricket team flew to England for the ashes, David boon drank the whole 24 hour flight? He went down in legend, breaking dougie Walters record, they are both remember for these events rather than their carere highs, the centuries, the wins, the dismisals. There is not one baggy green that exsist that doesn't have beer stains on it (except some new rookies who have yet to play s winning game) and we celebrate this side of cricket Australia, we love seeing the boys get plastered after a game and we love hearing 24 hour drinking binges that could of jeapordised their health, I have even heard from dougie own lips that he turned up to an ashes test completly drunk after drinking all night before, the morning of and turning up just as coin was tossed and walked out at number 3 wasted to bat no one fired him! Yet symonds has some beers in public turns up Late to practice and is fired?
But that's what we expect these days

baby classes

So we started baby/birthing class 3 weeks ago. Scary and funny at the same time!
Week 1 we went through what our feelings are on being pregnant what we like what we don't and how our partners have changed- was good knowing that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do :-)
Week 2 we had a physio that went through position for labour, we watched this ridiculous video of women in labour doing a belly dance simliar to hola dancing and when the husband was helping it just looked wrong!! it looked like they were having sex, then Adrian says "they were in that position 8 months ago" we were laughing so much then much to our horror we all then had to practice doing them!
Week 3 we had the midwife back to bitch about the physio and she went through actually pushing the bub out and our drug options
I'm pretty confident I can do this even if I'm a little freaked out as there is no turning back now!!