
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

yes im a list whore too ...

i stole this from my aunty's blog 

Where did you begin 2008?​
At home. we had new years at our house 

What was your status by Valentine'​s Day?
before, during and after i was married 

Were you in school (anytime this year)​?​

Did you have to go to the hospital?​
yep twice well admitted twice but i was an outpatient all year and went once a fortnight for chemo 

Did you have any encounters​ with the police?
No, well i talk to a few in a social sense who i know 

Where​ did you go on vacation?
surfers for a week 

What did you purchase that was over $​500?​
my health, kitchen buffet 

Did you know anybody who got married?​
brendan and laura 

Did you know anybody who passed away?​

Did you move anywhere?​

What sport​ng event​s did you attend?
swans game, newcastle game, Adrian's cricket and his shit soccer games 

What conce​rts/​shows​ did you go to?
only 1 this year :(
but it was freaking awesome - living end!!

Where​ do you live now?
campbelltown, nsw, australia 

Describe your birth​day.​
quiet dinner at mums with some of the family 

​What's the one thing​ you thought you would​ never​ do but did in 2008?​
strong enough to fight cancer and get pregnant 

What has/​have been your favorite moments?
the laughs through chemo was unreal, joking with my friends about my mortality, laughing in the chemo ward with my fantastic nurses, the support from everyone, the confidence boost from Georgie, peta and the girls from strands of colours and emma and the girls from simply devine beauty. kicking around on the net for hours loling with the new peeps i met on facebook, you know who you are guys =) 

What'​s something you learn​ed about​ yours​elf?​
im strong, have a positive outlook, a dark sense of humor, 

Any new additions to your family?​
ask me in 2009 

What was your best month​?​
december prob confirmation of pregnancy, july was good for last chemo, and september was good for remission confirmation 

What music​ will you remember in 2008?​
prob living end amongst many many more 

Who has been your best drinking buddy​?​
kim, berley, how ever you know her!

Made new friends?​
Online ones, yes, and work mates 

Favorite Night​[​s]​ out?
a few drunken nights at the catho, shooters, 

Any regrets?​
i dont think so 

What do you want to change in 2009?​
things are changing now for me, also i want to move 

Overall, how would​ you rate this year?​
Possibly a 9/10 even all the bad stuff had positives.

Other​ than home,​ where​ did you spend​ most of your time?​
mums, work, jens, fb

Have any life changes in 2008?​
went through cancer 

Chang​e your hairstyle?​

Get a new job?
yep =)

How old did you turn this year?​

Did anything embarrassing?​
a lot of stupid fb status updates, and some crazy blog posts 

Buy anything new from eBay?​
ebay?? no ....

Get married or divorced?​

Be hones​t - did you watch​ American Idol?​
no!! and not even aus idol 

Did you get sick this year?​
yeah,  enough said 

Start​ a new hobby​?​
fb lol 

Been snowboarding?
what?? serious this a question? 

Drank​ Starbucks in 2008?​
no!! hate starbucks and they went bankrupt in aus anyway, i like gloria jeans and im addicted to their cookies n cream ice coffees.

What are you wishing for in 2009?​
a great house and a good pregnancy and healthy bub 

the strip with two line

yes after 
6 and half years
countless blood test, 
internal xrays and ultrasounds 
1 year of fertility drugs 
another year with 5 ivf cycles
cancer diagnosis 
7 months of 12 chemo treatments

i fell pregnant. naturally at that, what i thought wouldnt happen without ivf, we did it. 

now i fit into those excruciating stories of:- "we stop trying/we went on a holiday/i tried ivf and when i stopped/we were due to start ivf...then we fell pregnant"
i hate these stories when we were trying "miracle" stories from others who have been in your situation is the last thing that you want to here so i state we NEVER stop trying - we DIDNT go on a holiday, we only stop ivf due to chemo, we just didnt expect it happen. 

anyways enough about that i noticed i was late and picked up a pregnancy test on christmas eve with the intent to do it the next morning yes christmas day!
i cant remember how many of these things i have brought and had since going of the pill 6 and half years ago so adrian was not a fan about getting it so early and wanted to wait till after christmas or even new years. but i did it anyway. it took a minute for it to turn positive and after this long i wasnt expecting that result at all. i stared at it for a full 2 minutes untill i called agrain in to show him. we then had a quike discussion to decide to tell our parents or not, and i saw mum i burst into tears and told what was to happen.  we then told craig and beth. and when we arrived at adrians parents place i simply said i was going to have just juice that morning and smiled at judi and she knew what it meant! 
when i told my dad later that day i asked "so in 9 months do u want to be called "granddad" or "grandpa"? 
mum told john, geroge and connie the next day 
everyone is excited and happy, and has been very very very hard to keep it secret but if things go the other way i dont want  a million peoples pity i had enough of that through cancer so i told my family and am not sure if ill be posting this yet to notify facebook or not but i know not all my fb peeps read my blog so i think im save to post. 

now we face the head ach of shopping around for baby stuff and have spent the last 3 days looking at a hundred cots and change tables man! thats a whole different post to itself stay tune. 

so this pregnancy is of course going to be an epregnancy and a Ipregnancy, you may laugh but hey its true i have told a lot of you via the net, and i have already signed up for a few enewsletters from pregnancy websites and downloaded ipod pregnancy applications which are heaps cool! 

adrian has also decided to take a photo of me every sunday to create a belly book so see how it grows over the months to come. so im posting the first one im also posting the first photo taken of me once i knew 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

sabotaging your social skills

when i went in to get my hair done on monday i was handed the latest issue of cosmo to read while they put the colour in. i havntnt read cosmo for years and was shocked to find 3 articles related to facebook, and blogging - obviously the last time i brought an issue there was no myspace/facebook and blogs were the new things. 
the first article was how socail networking is sabotaging peoples social skills and facebook dosnt count as catching up with a person. 
they covered three areas 
friendships that people need to still meet up for coffees to get the hug and catch up and while instant messages can be easier and less intimidating, tone of a message can be misleading (this is why we use emotions ;) ) some of my family and friends i only communicate with via msn and facebook but that is basically due to location and my close friends and i hardly ever msg each other over these devises in-fact i often dont instant message them at all when they are on line simply because i see them all the time 
work. that often email each other cos they cant be fucked getting up out of their chairs. well this also comes down to productivity when i was tempting in jens office we sat next to each other and yet will still email each other. you can have conversations with out your boss overhearing and if you get up out of your chair you run the risk of running in to the office chatterbox or gossip and spending 30 minutes relaying something to someone where as if you stayed put it be 5 minutes while you multi tasked 
love - this concerns people that meet online but that chemistry is not translated to real life and while internet is a great way to met people and get to know them initially the real dating should happen old style in the flesh 
this next was about status despair and that people are having real anxiety not having hundreds of online contacts and they go on to say (yes contradicting themselves) "online communication is no different to what happens in real life" and good relationships on line can lead to confidence and hight esteem while being ignored can be devastating  then they say that online relationships are more intense and fast, easily accessible and available at all hours so when people dont receive instant response they are instantly disappointed (note to all my post yes i get anxious if you dont respond asap ;) )  and when things turn sour your reactions are heightened they even state that people have gone into therapy over an online relationship in second life breaking down (i went into therapy when i got rejected from a facebook group ) 
and the last one was about online confessionals and salvation and hour there is hundreds on online sites where people can confess their sins in secrecy and blogs fall into this category as celebrities post apologies to their fans via  their myspace blogs and also release their latest press statements about pending marriages, babies and divorces. i know im a tad more candid on line then in person and a bit more of my whole self is often displayed on net where as i sometimes censor those aspects around different groups of people but most people are like that 
our whole life is on line these days and everything is posted and relayed via facebook and this has been happening for years it definitely not knew yes i still remember 10 years ago when i  married a friend on line .... i never got that divorced oops 

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wrap up

okay im lifting again but this time it is from my cousins notes section which is a crapspace chain mail thing and designed for the young which is the crapspace appeal so im deleting the inrelevant questions 


Stayed single almost the whole year?
no of course not i celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and now were are coming up on the 7th 

Kissed someone new?
i dont think so how sad am i? or do cyber kisses count ???? =P

Done something you've regretted?
mmm maybe a lfew blog spaces but i tried to love with out regrets, i say try ... unfortunately  im full of  "what ifs"

Lost someone close?
no thankfully 

Were involved in something you'll never forget?
 a few things, chemo, hospital visits, bdays 

Visited a different country?

Cooked a gross meal?
no im a fantastic cook and never make mistakes like who would accidently put salt in a biscuit recipe instead of sugar?

Lost something important to you?
yeah well it was at the time a bracelet went through the wash and out the drain ooh and my job was important too for the kids sake 

Got a gift you adore?
yeah my ipod for christmas yes 2008 christmas i got it early .. like way early 

Tripped over a coffee table?
probably 50 sadly im very un co 

Dyed your hair?
yes i went red, now im red with blond hi-lights 

Went to a party?
yeah but not many the most i remember is matt's 21st, brendan and laura's wedding, lauras hens, harry's 1st, and some preschool ones and work chrissy parties .. omg im sad! 2009 the year of partys and getting drunk

Saw one of your favourite bands/artists live?
yes one i desired to see for 10 years yes desired is the appropriate word since i think chris is hot! but also sadly only one concert this year .. i need to get out 

Did you meet any new friends this year?
yeah a few that i love already 

Did you dislike anyone?
probably its human nature and sometimes im know to "hate people" but seriously i love you all 

Did you grow apart from anyone?
Yeah sadly but it had to happen 

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
yeah that i lost some i always lament lost friends even if they were toxic to me 

2008: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have cake?
yes ... i think...?

Did you have a party?
nah just family 

How old did you turn?
25....okay i was 27 but in 2009 ill be 25!

2008: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year?
did i not change is the question

Did you get your hair cut?
well if you can count falling out cutting, but yeah it was trimmed, cut, shaved and now trimmed every few weeks to keep it healthy to grow it back 

Did you change your style?
i had to.. no hair kinda does that to you, now i have a cool short do that i have never had b4 thanks to peta my excellent hairdresser 

Did you have a job?
yeah kinda 2 since my old one finished on the 15th january and the new started in the 11th of august 

Did you drive?
im always driving 

Did you move at all?
yeah halfway through 

Did you go on any vacations?
to surfers 

Would you change anything about yourself now?
a few kilos 

2008: Wrap UP:
Was 2008 a good year?
yeah it was 

Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
hopefully like no cancer, ill keep my job, and ill move to an awesome house and my hair will be HOT and a few other things fingers crossed 

I confess that in 2008 I...
() stayed single for the whole year
() kissed in the snow
(x) celebrated Halloween
() had your heart broken
() mooned someone
x) went over the minutes on your cell phone
x) someone questioned your sexual orientation
x) came out of the closet
x) done something you've regretted

x) painted a picture
() wrote a poem
() ran a mile
() shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
x) posted a blog on MySpace and here and face book 
() visited a foreign country
x) cut in a line of waiting people not  intentionally 
x) told someone you were busy when you weren't .... sorry 
x) partied to celebrate the new year yeah a bit to much thanks adam thank god there was no video!!!
x) cooked a disastrous meal
(x) lied about how old you were off course not im totally proud of my age 
x) prank called someone

In 2008 I...
[] fell in-love was already in-love 
x] lied
[] cried over a broken heart
x] disappointed someone close but the person it was i dont care that i did it cos the disappointment related to my lifestyle and personality and essence of me 
x] hid a secret it was beyond hard 
x] pretended to be happy
[] slept under the stars
[] kept your new years resolution
x]forgot your new years resolution
[x] met someone who changed your life
[] met one of your idols
x] changed your outlook on life
x] sat home all day doing nothing for 6 months 
x] pretended to be sick well not pretended i was sick just used it as an excuse sometimes when i needed to
[] left the country
x] given up on something/someone important to you
x] lost something expensive
x] learned something new about yourself
x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
x] made a change in your life
x] found out who your true friends were
x] met great people
x] stayed up til sunrise
x] cried over the silliest thing
x] had friends who were drifting away from you
x]had a high cell phone bill
x] spent most of your money on food
[] had a fist fight
x] went to the beach with your best friend i went to the beach once, with mum, adrian p, emma p, and yvonne than i wasnt aloud to again 
xx] gotten sick
[] liked more than 5 people at the same time
x] became closer with a lot of people

Alfresco Australia

reading ralph this month and i couldn't help but post this article they featured 
69 places to have sex in public in australia most of the list is a joke i suppose not to actually seam they are advocating sex in public but they are funny

1. Melbourne cup 
2. Yorkey's Knob, QLD and other places like Tittybong (vic) Middle Intercourse Island (WA) 
3. LAdy Macquarie's Chair, Sydney 
4. Domestic-flight toilets 
5. camping 
6. the MCG, melbourne (bonus points if you do it in the members stand)
7. the daintree rainforest, qld 
8. the grounds of parliment house, ACT - the place is chockas with pricks anyway so who'll notice one more ?
9. rundle mall adelaide, theres bugger all spectacles in adelaode so you may as well make one of yourself  
10. Bondi beach, Sydney 
11. floriade, Canberra, ACT - most chicks dig flowers and sex so why not combine the two by humping at australia's premier flower festival 
12. the big banana, coffs habour, nsw - if only for sheer double entendre hilarity, not advisable is you have a tiny dick, though , it'll only highlight the fact. trust us on this one ....
13. nimbin, nsw
14. the simpson desert 
15. mt kosciusko, NSW/VIC - summer only no ones frostbite 
16. cradle mountain national park, TAS - with a local chick that way if you get lost at least youve got your own map of tassie to show you the way 
17. the ralph magazine editors place- we'll leave the key under the mat for you 
18. coogee bay hotle, Sydney 
19 at the backyard bbq
20 under the old gum tree, glenelg, SA
21. at the logies
22. the ralph office
23 outside breaky central ( "sunrise" channel 7, martin place sydeny )
24 on the three sisters, blue mountains, nsw - this is even more awesome if its with three sisters who arnt geological formations 
25. your mates couch - with your mates hot sister dont forget to post pics on your facebook page - he'll love it 
26. sydney to hobart yacht race
27 at a sheffield sheild math - not only is the sound of leather on wood arousing , no one actually goes to these games, so you'll have plenty of privacy 
28. Shane's warnes backyard - there is bound to be a stray hottie running around here somewhere surley ?
29. luna park, sydney/melbourne 
30 the great barrier reef, not actually on it, that sharp coral cuts and stings like a mother f**ker
31 the entrance central coast, nsw
32 in a coober pedy underground house, sa
33. botany bay , sydney 
34. central station sydney
35. the set of rove live 
36. the museum of contemporary art, sydney 
37. on a tram - its actually the only place in melbourne that doesnt double as a bar
38. kirribilli house lawn, sydney 
39 brewery - the bubbling vats of beer are guaranteed to get the erotic 
40. back of a panel van - "dont come a knockin if the vans a rockin" the phrase that still needs to be added to australias constitution 
41. cockington green, act 
42 your old high school - relive the good old days with your sweet heart, extra points if she wears her old uniform 
43. your parents bed.
44. the pub with no beer, - theres no beer.. what the f**k eles are you suppose to do there?
45. the big merino goulburn, nsw be sure to make a joke about how you like to ram, to a kiwi chick, she'll crack up at your wit
46. during the screening of an aussie film - no one will be there, and you;ll give the projectionist something decent to watch 
47. at the ARIAs  - if you get busted ask why axle whitheads aloud to get his dick out but not you 
48 music festival portaloo
49. New Zealand - we reckon its close enough to count as aussie soil.
50. outside your local myer - solo of course 
51 backpacker hostel 
52 rod laver arena , melbourne  
53 the big day out, sydney 
54, the opera house sydney 
55 condom kingdom, surfers paradise
56 summernats, act 
57 nullarbor plain - stick a brick on the accelerator attach string to keep the wheel straight, then rock the back of the kombi
58 the ghan
59 at an alex lloyd concert 
60 on the edge of the great australian bight - really adventurous stuff but dont fall off or your fucked
61 in fornt of aerobics oz style 
62 on the bonds commercial casting couch 
63 the british high commission , act - show the british how ist donr
64 your local sexaholics anonymous meeting - seriously how hard can it be
65 in the audience of australian idol - dont forget to yell touchdown 
66. dreamworld roolercoaster, gold coast - the most exciting place to go down in oz, most rides here only last 2 minutes, but thats twice as long as your personal best 
67 thredbo, nsw what happens in thredbo, stays in thredbo , if you believe the adds 
68 the brownlow awards  
69 the pilbarra region , WA

sadly there is no harbour bridge?? 

Sunday, December 21, 2008

go nuts

My friends and I go to vabys a bit now, espcially that lonestar and chilis have left campbelltown which we use to use for a spare of the moment casual dinner
We all like the go nuts desert so for Christmas I made it for desert for us all

8 litters of neopolitin ice cream
800 grams of peanut butter
3 packets of chocolate biscuits ( I used tiny teddies )
250 gms of butter
Chopped peanuts
And chocolate topping
you'll also need a frezzer container or smaller ones to set them in ( I used tupperware artic frezzer containers )

Blend up the teddies into fine granuals then mix with melted butter
Spoon mixture into the base of the containers and flat down
Freeze for 40 minutes
Spreed a generous about of peanut butter onto of the cookie base and then squirt with chocolate topping
Freeze again for 20 minutes
When set, spoon in ice cream using all the flavours equally
Top with topping and peanuts
Then feeze again until set

gizmo gidget

I recently over the last week realized how reliant I am on gizmos in my life.
Mobile - I'm never far from it I carry my charger around in my bag for when I need to charge it and that's often! I primarily use it for the Internet I'm always used to facebook email man messenger and google and go onto wiki or imdb I also use it in the summer to watch the cricket live and get score updates and on the winter to get all the scores from the afl nrl and ru
iPod touch - I have fallen inlove with this! I never have this far from my side as well and I sleep with both my iPod and mobile under my pillow gone are the fear of getting brain tumors of too much exposure to frequencies from phones!
I do use it for music but basically it's my little "palmtop" and when I am home I'll use it for the net, again facebook, msn, aim, email, google ect, blogg and other stuff
I have also become addicted to downloading applications for it and playing games. Every night I'll use it to play games or read to wind down before going to sleep where I'll plug it into the idock/fm clock radio to choose a playlist to listen to to go to sleep with and wake up to
I wish I had an iphone to combine the both but when I needed a new phone iPhones were still unrealsed in Australia and they only recently become available through the 3 network which allows me to watch cricket on my phone
Navman- okay I know I don't need this as I have a pretty good sense of direction but it's more security in case I get lost of I'm in an unfamiliar place I have security that I'll be able to find my way without stress and it's something I can use better than a steer directory which I admitt I have trouble with
These days I get in the car plug the iPod in put the phone in the consol and plug the navman in and I feel funny when I'm missing them.
Pc - I live on my pc and it's almost never shut down I turn it on as soon as I get home am always doing something on it

Saturday, December 20, 2008

the other side of the pancake

So I have to get this off my chest just cos it pissed me off a fair bit when I herd it and is much as I'm trying to move past it it's all still fresh and I havnt got closure for what happened yet.
I'm talking about what happened at my old place of work
Most of you know the story so I won't rehash what happened. But apperently parents at my old place work properly informed why I left/no longer work there. Which is sad cos I never wanted them to think I don't care and just left without saying goodbye to their children or them espcially since I missed the kids terribly when I was on sick leave. Since leaving I have ran into a few parents who asked me what happened and I glossed by saying it was time for me to move on and a change was as good as a holiday. But all of those parents all went on to rant about the mangememt all without my propmting. I let them rant without comment as that is unprofessional and even though I'm writing this I'm not naming any names or adressing it to any one in particular to be deemed unprofessional.
I since found out that nasty things and lies have been told to parents to semi explain why I was forced to leave explains why I have been given the cold sholder by a lot of friends we share mutally
Yes the winner does take it all
And winners write the history books
But there is always two sides to a pancake no matter how flat it is
And I'm happy with my knowlegde knowing my side of the pancake is the truth even if some times I don't seam like the winner I'm still the one writing the history blogg

Monday, December 15, 2008

favourite music C

i thought i would of had more choice of "Cs" but i could only think of two so if anyone can think of something i may of missed let me know

Creedence Clearwater Revival
i have loved their songs a lot growing up, one in particular was a song i can remember my grandfather singing to me a lot when i was younger so my love of the band grew from there and 

crowded house 
another great band from my childhood. and an australian band granted they have a new zealander as a front man but i love them! i cried when they broke up and during the farewell concert at the opera house that i wished i could of been to. i can remember telling my nan when i was 7 that i loved them and this song in particular "you better be home soon" but i also LOVE "fall at your feet" i actually love it that much i dont mind james blunts version 

happy 100

for those following along at home i reached 100 post on my last posting so this is 101
i was excited about getting to 100 and than completely forgot how stupid of me 

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

stopping the plague

yesterday, the 1st of december was world aids day , the 20th anniversary and to mark the day the w channel aired the special "rampant". which was a special about sydney and australia fought the spread of aids when it was first diagnoised and discovered in the early 80's to be a real disease

i was really interested as aids was one of the few new items and world events i can remember from my childhood. i can vividly remember the aids awareness campaign aid with the grim reaper. i also had a family friend who had aids when i was young and can remember being scared when i first found out about it and 9 years old and had a room mate with HIV when i was in my late teens 

the opening sent chills down my spine!
"25 years ago a man came in to St Vincents hospital sydney sick. he was from new york, a gardner young and fit with a crowded sexual history and he was gay. the doctors made their diagnosis the first in australia. this man had aids. no one knew what caused it or how it might be spread, later when he seamed well he was simply discharged and that was the last the doctors saw of him."

pretty soon more and more gay man were being infected with hiv/aids. no one knew thought it was a virus. they didnt know its history, what caused it, how it was spread, and how to treat it. before it was recgonised to be tarnsmitted by blood. doctors assumed that it was and that there was identified high risk groups, gay man, iv drug uses, sex workers. leapers of the community.
it took some time but the government funded aids eductation programs. needle exchanges were set up across the country so that if you used drugs you could ensure you had a clean needle, condoms were given to brothels with legislation put into place. and target education to gay men on the importance of using condoms. there was also a national program to encourage the general public to use condoms as well at very sexual encounter. a national add was put on australian tvs to shock everyone to tell everyone you were at risk of getting aids if you were not using safe sex practices. 
these were the grim reaper adds that of 1987/88 that everyone of that eara can remember. i was simple terrified of them when they came on. and they still look scary today.

these programs are the "australian model" and is funded permanently. there has never been 1 case of suspected case of a sexual worker been transmitted to a client. 25 000 people have been prevented  from contacting aids/hiv from needle exchange 

by 1987 the spread of aids was down. 6 1/2 thousand people have died in australia from aids. against the trends around the world aids/hiv rates continue to decline 

the australia model is not how hiv is fought in most of the world. elsewhere strategies to stop the virus are based on beliefs about how the world should behave.

the bigger funder of international hiv programs is the usa. most of its funds go to promoting abstinence until marriage and zero tolerance for drugs. it opposes needle exchange and limits support for condoms

around the world 25 million people have died from hiv/aids. 40 million are now infected unless policies change within 10 years 80 million will carry this deadly preventable virus 

Monday, December 1, 2008

favourite music B

its been a long while since my first post on this subject so now ill keep up with then form now on i promise =D
B is hard cos i like a lot of B stuff so ill have to cut it to 3 
Beatles no brainer here i grew up listening to them so of course i like them and i pick strawberry fields as the best cos i remember listening to it heaps when i was little 

Bee Gees i love the bee gees but i prefer the earlier stuff not the whole disco/saturday night fever stuff. i like words, started a joke, how deep is your love ect love that robin signs this one 
and of course backstreet boys i was obsessed with them when i was younger so i cant go past them. i had to put a fans clip of the favourite song. this song always drove my jen and me wild as teens so its the best i could do 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

a few weirds

its been a few weeks since i last posted i have been a bit lazy lol  and i was doing my school reports and didnt feel justified wasting time on the net when i had work to do 
so ive been meaning to write a blog for agggggeesss 
i ment to do an interview type blog based on the interview style that they sometimes use in the sunday magazine in the sunday telegraph where instead of questions they use statements then the interviewee replies to the statements be expanding 

so here it goes

i wear my work uniform on the weekend 
when i left busy kidz i kept my old uniforms and occasionally wore my jumper just to be in the house cos its warm, its one of thos comfy jumpers u wear to death and i wear my work shirts to clean the house 
i never go barefoot
i hate walking around without shoes i dont like my feet being dirty. it started cos i have allergies to wool, nylon, grass and some carpets so its easier to just wear shoes. and i hate my sox getting dirty 
i live in my pjs
when i was sick i spent 6 months in pjs i was in heaven id get up shower and put on a new pair of pjs. i love them and always have heaps of them in my wardrobe i actually claimed some on tax  last year after i brought 4 pairs for our pj day at work which i came up with 
i have slippers for different places in the house
i have winter slippers and slippers i just wear to the bathroom since i put my wet feet into them after my shower and summer slippers and i dont really like wearing them outside cos they get dirty 
i cant sleep if my sheets are uneven
i like order and have always been like this as long as i could remember i like the sheets to be even on both sides of the bed and yes when i was younger i wold measure them with a ruler. its that bad that i can get out of bed and have the bed look like it hasnt been slept in 
i wont cook diner after 8ish but will bake cakes, pies ect at 10pm even 11pm
i hate cooking diner late at night so my kitchen will close at 8 or 8.30 depending but if im in the mood for cookies or something at 11ish i will bake them i know im a contradiction 
i dont like lamb but will eat a lamb roast, as is the same with pork
i just cant stand chops they are way to much trouble to eat since they are full of bone and are boring 
im a germ a phobic and dont like clutter or unorgainsation but i hate cleaning 
i was my hands constantly and like everything to be anti bacterial and i cant relax when clutter builds up in the living areas but i also like everyone else hate cleaning 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Gosselin 8

so many of you know im a huge fan of the show Jon and Kate plus 8 which airs here on fpxtel's discovery home and health and is on the tlc network in the states which is where the family is from (Pennsylvania) if u havnt heard of it ill catch u up. 
jon and kate met in 97 and were married in 99 almost right away they started trying to start a family. kate, having always worried about infertility when to get checked out and was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and was referred to fertility doctor. they were treated using IUI they were lucky and thrilled to fall pregnant the first cycle and then discover they were carrying twins. Cara and Madelyn (Mady) were born in october 08.  when the twins were todlers they decided to have another child and with in two months they were pregnant again. they doctor told them on the day of the insemination there was 3 or 4 follicles. at the first scan it showed 7 sacs and 6 heart beats!! right away they were recommended to do a selected deduction. which jon and kate refused to do all though stating that day of scan was the worst days of their life's and they were so scared and what was going to happen. 
of course the babies were premiture and in may 04 the 6 relative healthy gosselins were born. Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Colin, Leah and Joel.
so of course they made headlines not on having sextuplets is a 1 in 3000000000 chance but kate and jon now had two sets of multiples with 8 kids under 5!
TLC did a special "surviving sextuplets and twins" which aired when the little kids were under one and showed us what is was like raising 4 year old twins and sextuplet babies. 
the following year TLC did a followup show "surviving sextuplets and twins one year on" and this time featured kate preparation for the week she would be away getting a tummy tuck ( which was donated from a fan of the first special and was badly needed after having a pregnancy of 6 babies!) and it showed how much the children had grown up. they were now almost 2 and the twins were 5. 
then TLC decided to do a regular show and started airing before the twins were 6 and the sextuplets were 2. it first aired in australia in November 2007 and aired season 1 and 2 back to back and is currently airing season 3. with season 4 being now aired in the US 

so last november when the discovery channel had a special on multiplies it aired the initial 2, hour long specials then the first season back to back.  and yes i fell in love with it, because i coveted it, as many as you know i have long being trying to fall pregnant and have children. and i identified with kate, like her i fared that i would have fertility problems long before i was diagnosed. like her i had tried to fall pregnant early after adrian and i had married. like her i had been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and like her i had undergo iui treatments. 

i quickly discovered that kate was highly obsessive and compulsive and very organised in some ways over organised. she is a dominant personality and often has a short temper with her children and her husband. 

but she is human and dosnt censor herself for cameras and just becuase she is seen yelling and belittling her husband dose not mean she dosnt love him. they both evidently love each other and both know that they dont mean what they say at the time, but they are just under stress or angry. everyone close to me knows that i can loose my temper at adrian and can yell at him and what i have to say in the mist of my frustration is not always to every ones taste but adrian does understand that i dont mean it 

a lot of kate's parenting i dont agree with but i can understand the reasoning, a lot i dont agree with and cant understand the logic behind it either. and a lot i agree with and i have also got a lot of tips from her for when i have children. 

but parenting is not easy and parenting has to, needs to be unique for every family with similar styles shared through cultures, families, friends etc 

so anyways because im a net junkie and obsessive with the thing i like i joined facebook groups dedicated to the show. 

then i googled them and after the first three hits which are the tlc and the gosselin home page and  the wiki site. there is then many blogs and msg boards dedicated to hating the show, in particular kate. 

i stumbled on and read a few and most when on to say that the children were being exploited and that jon and kate were being paid millions of dollars and getting lost of free products off the show. and that she choose to have eight kids so why should she recive any handouts and help. that comments annoyed me. they didnt choose to have eight children. they fell prganant with twins using iui becuase they had fertility problems and then want another child not uncommon for families to want 3 children and used again iui because the same problems existed and in america the standards and less controlled then ivf so the cances of larger multiples are greater, however it is cheaper by thousands of dollars (here it is $1000 and is medicare covered after the safty net, where as ivf is $5000 + , but not only the finacials are different but thr procedure is different if you dont need to use ivf you wouldn't. iui is evasive emotional and hormonally challenging on your body and emotions but ivf is even more so,  it is very evasive and emotional and hard on your body. then people say well they could of selected to deduced some. i find that highly offensive, imagine ordealing infertility , then finding out joyful against the odds you have falling pregnant but there is a large multiple, being asked to abort some after praying, trying and going through all those procedures to get one? 

its obvious that they arent getting rehearsed or retakes, the children have known the crew since they were babies. 

if they are getting money can you blame them yes they are raising eight children they didnt plan for 

i then found a blog written by an extended family member who says she is telling the truth about jon and kate but her 20 + post are not really about the truth or any info,it is basically a vent and on line argument aimed at j&k because she knows them.  and most of the information we really dont even need to know? who cares we just want to watch the gosselins not everyone related to them. 
this blogger was very naive she says she didnt want to fight but you cant hide on the net , ( I KNOW) and it is very easy for people to take things the wrong way when it is written on line, especially for everyone to see. 
im not even going to post her link. she says you can find it unless you go looking for it or for boards against the show. however i found it by searching jon and kate plus 8 and it was linked to the fourth hit! and her latest post shows a clip from cnn which mentions her blog and the url is seen! 

anyway i guess i have learned through my own blog and am now passing on to others, blog it and be exoected to answer to it and post it on facebook and everyone will see and you cant claim ohh its just my little bolog to ven, and oh i didnt think everyone would know on fb ......

Bradbury v Harrington Park

so cricket season has started again and yes in yrs past i have blogged about the games. and i forgot to this season so here is the update ;)
this year we are in 6th grade, we are really 8th grade material, sorry guys but you know it, but a few blocks have potential to make 50s, 100s, take 3, 5 wickets in a few games and this tags them for regrading which then causes us problems staying to keep them in our team , as thats why they play to be  team and arent as consistent as they were to be considered 4th/5th grade blokes. so to avoid this this season we were graded in 6th grade despite not making the semi's last year 
round 1 
we played Collegians after we bowled them out for 218 with terry getting 3 wickets, and adrian and Corey picking up 2 wickets each. the following week we were washed out, corey did make 22 runs first though. (hows that for spin corey?)

round 2 we played harrington park 
now we have a history with this club, when we first started as a team in 2000/01  way back when we were in 9th grade. harrignton park were know as Catherine fields and the 9th grade side was known as the cowboys.  and we developed a friendly competition between us we played against them for 3 or 4 seasons and we never lost to them (maybe that was a bit of luck)
unfortunately the cowboys won a grandfinal ( we came 3rd that year) and moved up 2 grades and then Catherine fields became harrington park  we still didnt loose against them until ....
so we started off last week we made a first innings total of 115 notes to brett who scored 58 (yes more then half the team total)
we then had them we then had them 6/63 to end the days play.
open this week and we need 4 wickets in less then 52 runs to win. they end up posting 184 declared with one bloke scoring 105. adrain 3-44 and terry 3-36. 
 so we loose fist innings
we then go in to bat for bonus points. we were dropping like flies. loosing 5/43 then having a 58 pun partner ship with troy and adam taken us 6-101. we declared on 6-151 with adam making 82. special mentioned to jamie who keep up his end in the last 50 team runs with adam, making 13. adam ended up 82*
we then had 30 minutes to take 8 wickets (they had only 9 players to end the day) and they needed 80 runs so basically unless they started smashing them, we were playing for us to win and turn the game out of a lost. first over brett gets 2 wickets opening first ball wicket! adrian follows up the next over with a wicket and then brett takes a wicket in his next 2 overs making them 5/9!! i was excited the win was insight!. i was shaking! but a las time came and we didnt get the last much desired 3 scalps. they ended up 5/19 

stay tuned for next weeks game :) 

Monday, October 13, 2008


this is a news artical that proves my previous blog post about bisexuality so anyway here is the report

By Matt Bachl, ninemsn

The boom in women pretending to be lesbians to attract attention is leaving a trail of emotional destruction, according to a social commentator.

Several high-profile relationships involving "real lesbians" and women more often linked to men — such as MTV's Ruby Rose and Jess Origliasso, and Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan — have reportedly encouraged a wave of "fauxmosexuals" on the real life party circuit.

PHOTOS: Invasion of the faux lesbians

Gay social commentator Tim Duggan has described the "lesbian trend" as a fad which is actually doing "more damage than good".

"Experimentation is healthy — what it leads to can sometimes be a great thing, but you need to wonder what effect [fake lesbians] are having on women," said Mr Duggan, co-founder of gay and lesbian site SameSame.

"Women who pretend to be lesbians do it to titillate men.

"The current trend of gay acceptance is a Trojan horse: on the surface it's 'wow, isn’t it great, it's being talked about', but it's not real acceptance — it's a titillating, easy-on-the-eyes acceptance."

Online gay forums are abuzz with talk of the "bogus lesbian" craze, with some questioning whether the trend is putting real homosexuals at risk.

"Where do these fauxmosexual fads leave queer teens once they're packed away in the cupboard (with other fads)?," user timbo84 wrote.

"The statistic of 30 percent of teen suicides in the US being gay or lesbian teens is very distressing.

"Here's hoping pop culture moves on to focus on people like Ellen and Ian McKellen and not those who are just 'out' to make a buck!"

Mr Duggan said the impact of "celesbians" — stars who use alternative lifestyles as marketing ploys — is something which can no longer be ignored.

"When straight celebrities like Katy Perry come out and sing about kissing girls and liking it, you have to wonder what impact that has on the playground," he said.

Perry rocketed to the top of the singles chart, both locally and overseas, after her song "I Kissed A Girl" became a worldwide smash.

MTV VJ Ruby Rose was seen locking lips with Veronicas twin Jess Origliasso at a Sydney nightclub in March.

Rose, 22, later stressed the two were "just friends" during a tell-all interview where she revealed she came out when was just 12 years old.

Earlier this month, Rose was spotted kissing Australia's Next Top Model contestant Samantha Downie at a Rolling Stone magazine party.

Celebrity lesbian flings, like the one between  MTV host Ruby Rose and the Veronicas Jess Origliasso, are being blamed for the surge of 'fauxmosexuals'.
Celebrity lesbian flings are being blamed for the surge of 'fauxmosexuals'.
Click on the secondary images to swap them with the main image.
Anne Heche dumped talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres for a man in 2000. (AAP)
Click on the secondary images to swap them with the main image.
Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson recently 'came out' about their relationship.

a new blue harvest of hope

ok so most everyone knows that family guy did a star wars special last year. initially i wasnt sure i wanted to watch it cos as much as star wars freaks adrian and i am, i dont watch family guy. anyways we missed tapping it when it aired so we hired it today.
man it is hilarious especially to star wars freaks. the whole episdoe takes of star wars almost shot for shot. it starts when there is a black out and peter tells them all a story "we will start at the beginning at episode 4"
here are some of the best quotes
Title card/crawl: A long time ago, but somehow in the future... It is a period of civil war and renegade paragraphs floating through space. There's cool space battles, and the bad guy is the good guy's dad. But you don't find that out 'til the next episode. And the hot chick is really the sister of the good guy, but they don't know it and they kiss. Which is kind of messed up. I mean, what if they had done it instead of just kissed? Angelina Jolie kissed her brother. Yeah, she did. You know it, I know it, and her dad knows it. That's why they hardly ever talk anymore. You can run away to Africa, but you can't run away from the truth. Oh, by the way, here's a tip for you: when this is over, go out and rent the movie "Gia." She's way naked in it, and makes out with another chick and everything. It's awesome. I stumbled across it late night on HBO after I had just got back from hockey, and I almost fainted. But I digest... Princess Leia was coming back from buying space groceries when this happened...

Peter (Han Solo): This is a story of love and loss, fathers and sons, and the foresight to retain international merchandising rights. This is the story of Star Wars. Let's begin with Part Four.

Imperial Officer 1: Hold your fire. There's no life forms aboard.
Imperial Officer 2: Hold your fire? What, are we paying by the laser now?
Imperial Officer 2: You don't do the budget, Terry. I do.

this is one funnier if you see it though

General Tagge: Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they've obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe.
Stewie (Darth Vader): That is fantastic. Terrific work. So no weaknesses at all?
General Tagge: N... no.
Stewie (Darth Vader): You, uh, you hesitated there. Is there something I should know?
General Tagge: No, it's virtually indestructible, like 99.99%.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Uh, okay, wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask what's the 0.01?
General Tagge: Well, I mean, there's this little hole. It was kind of an aesthetic choice by the architect. And if you shoot a laser into this hole, the station blows up.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That sounds like a pretty big design flaw, then.
General Tagge: No, no, the hole's only two meters across.
Mayor Adam West (Grand Moff Tarkin): Well, that's no bigger than a womp rat.
General Tagge: Exactly. And even to get within range of it, you have to skim along this whole trench. It's not a big deal.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Can't we board it up or, you know, put some plywood over it or something?
General Tagge: Well, that would look terrible. I mean, we gotta think about resale.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Resale? What are you talking about? This property is right above Sunset. The value is only going to go up.
General Tagge: Lord Vader, your inside references to the Los Angeles real estate market haven't given you the clairvoyance to turn a profit on that condo in Glendale. Nor has it...
Stewie (Darth Vader): [Vader begins to choke him] I find your lack of faith disturbing. That property is in a prime location! Twenty minutes to the beach, twenty minutes to downtown!
General Tagge: [choking] There's nothing to do downtown!
Mayor Adam West (Grand Moff Tarkin): Enough of this! Vader, release him!
Stewie (Darth Vader): As you wish.
[releases Tagge]
Stewie (Darth Vader): All right, so were' going to plug up that hole?
Imperial Officer: Yeah, we can get it done tomorrow if price is no object.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Ehhhh...
Imperial Officer: We'll get estimates.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Get estimates, yeah, yeah.

Barbara Pewterschmidt (Aunt Beru): Tell Uncle Owen not to tell you that your father is Darth Vader.

Rush Limbaugh: My good friends, the liberal galactic media is at it again. They never stop. Now they're trying to convince us that Hoth is melting. Well, that's crazy, Just trying to scare us. And if that weren't enough to get you mad, we now have news that Lando Calrissian has been made the chief administrator of the Bespin mining facility. Gee, I wonder how he got that job. Well, let me tell you how he got that job. Affirmitive action strikes again

Peter (Han Solo): I'm Han Solo, captain of the Millenium Falcon, and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by this movie.

Peter (Han Solo): We'll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We'll lose'em.
[the Falcon starts listing lazily to the left]
Chris (Luke Skywalker): Uh, that was your maneuver? Moving slightly to the left?
Peter (Han Solo): Well, I mean we're not in the same place we were, huh? That ought to confuse'em.
Chris (Luke Skywalker): Yeah, but you hardly did anything. You just started listing lazily to the left. I'm pretty sure they can keep up.
Imperial Officer 1: Where did they go?
Imperial Officer 2: There they are! They're listing lazily to the left. Go left, left!
Imperial Officer 1: Boy, this guy knows some maneuvers.

ok i basically just copied the screen play put here is some clips ;)

thats like random...seriously

By Angela Saurine

October 13, 2008 01:00am

NEXT time you're at the pub and hear a glass smash, try to resist the urge to call out "taxi!"

If you want to catch up with a work contact, suggest something other than "let's do lunch".

And whatever you do, don't phone someone to "touch base".

That's the verdict of fed-up Australians, who have voted on the most overused and hated phrases in a nationwide survey.

Social researcher Mark McCrindle found politicians, workmates and teenagers the worst cliche offenders.

When it came to political speak, the saying, "I'm not ruling anything out" was the most despised.

But overall, the phrase "at the end of the day" was the most irritating in the English language.

In social cliches, saying a person is hot and making a sizzling noise was also a big no-no.

But people appreciate it when you say "bless you" when someone sneezes or offer to "touch wood" on their behalf.

Join the survey: Share your most hated cliches

"Cliches are increasingly part of our society," Mr McCrindle said.

"They bring a familiarity to conversations and they sometimes can fill in those awkward silences and keep things flowing. (But) they do tend to have a use-by date."

Stephanie Rogers, 16, often annoys her mother Gabriela with typical Gen Y phrases. "She says 'whatever' with the whole rolling of the eyes," Mrs Rogers said. Stephanie also admitted to saying the word "like" too much.

i went looking for the full list but couldnt find it, disapointed but ill thought ill add the ones i use often and the ones i hate.

i use : random, too funny, seriously, whats that about?, whatever

let me know about other i use guys...

ones i cant stand: my bad, sick, bling

dont leave your garden gnome out

i was reading in the paper today and artical about the most stolen goods in Sydney according to suburb. it stated that thieves steal in their own area and what is in demand so it would be pointless to steal a drive across Sydney to steal a lawn mower and try and flogged it off to people who live in flats in the inner city. our area is true we always hear about stolen lawn mowers, whipper snippers, hoses, gnomes, and letter boxes
here is the full list
1. Cash/document
2. Tool
3. Personal item
4. Bicycle
5. Credit card

1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Jewellery
4. Personal item
5. Communications equipment

1. Drug
2. Jewellery
3. Cash/document
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Gardening equipment and material

1. Cash/document
2. Hardware/building/decorating
3. Gardening equipment and material
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Communications Equipment

1. Cash/document
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Hardware/building/decorating
4. Bicycle
5. Communications equipment

1. Home entertainment equipment
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Cash/document
4. Gardening equipment and material
5. Hardware/building/decorating

1. Gardening equipment and material
2. Clothing
3. Cash/document
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Communications equipment

1. Cash/document
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Clothing
4. Jewellery
5 Jewellery - ring

1. Tool
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Cash/document
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Hardware/building.decorating

1. Cash/document
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Jewellery - ring
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Bicycle

1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery
3. Personal item
4. Bicycle
5. Credit card

1. Cash/document
2. Personal item
3. Drug
4. Gardening equipment and material
5. Miscellaneous

1. Cash/document
2. Hardware/building/decorating
3. Jewellery - ring
4. Home Entertainment Equipment
5. Communications equipment

1. Drug
2. Tool
3. Gardening equipment and material
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Bicycle

1. cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Communications equipment
4. Hardware/building.decorating
5. Miscellaneous

1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Communication equipment
4. Tool
5. Hardware/building/decorating

1. Cash/document
2. Sport - outdoor equipment
3. Gardening equipment and material
4. Personal item
5. Household item

1. Drug
2. Jewellery
3. cash/document
4 Jewellery - ring
5. Gardening equipment and material

1. Jewellery
2. Cash/Document
3. Personal item
4. gardening equipment and material
5. Bicycle

1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Personal item
4. Credit card
5. Bicycle

1. Cash/document
2. Communications equipment
3. Bicycle
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Personal item

1. cash/document
2. Bicycle
3. Credit card
4. Personal item
5. Jewellery - ring

1. Cash/document
2. Personal item
3. Credit card
4. Bicycle
5. Communications equipment

1. Cash/document
2. Bicycle
3. Credit card
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Jewellery

1. Cash/document
2. Credit card
3. Miscellaneous
4. Personal item
5. Communications equipment

1. Cash/document
2. Personal item
3. Miscellaneous
4. Communications equipment
5. Hardware/building/decorating

1. Gardening equipment and material
2. Cash/document
3. Hardware/building.decorating
4. Bicycle
5. Communications equipment

1. Cash/document
2. Drug
3. Personal item
4. Jewellery
5. Bicycle

1. Cash/document
2. Garden equipment and material
3. Jewellery
4. Clothing
5. Communications Equipment

1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery
3. Gardening equipment and material
4, Computer ware
5. Jewellery - ring

1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Communications equipment
4. Bicycle
5. Jewellery

1. Cash/document
2. Bicycle
3. Credit card
4. Personal item
5. Miscellaneous

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tatto 1

so i have wanted a tattoo for as long as i could remember and had a heap of ideas but none really grabbed me that much either then the day after i was admitted to hospital and i was flicking through the cancer council info booklets (excellent little info books about all different things you need to know about cancer and treatment) i was looking at the daffodil symbol that use and suddenly thought bingo when im done with chemo im getting one on my left wrist to signified that i survived cancer/chemo and it was also perfect cos daffodils are my fav flowers
anyways i let my peeps know ( a friend was going to do it ) he said sure after chemo NOT during and last night he said im free tomorrow so up we went to get it
so its dainty and cute im going to attach a picture of the symbol and will add a pic when its healed
didnt hurt that much at all!! mum and Craig where there so they got one each too now i just need to figure out the places for the rest!! ......

Saturday, October 11, 2008


So I'm posting this via my iPod. Yay I'm good. Well I'm sick again!! This is the 6th time I've been sick since I went back to work! This of course is all my fault because I acciddently put my white cell injection In the microwave instead of the fridge when I got home from my last chemo so making it useless and now I haven't had the boat for my imune system so I have been getting one cold after another! Which has done wonders for my skin! Its constantly dehydrated even though at minnum drink 2litters of water every day so I have spent a small fortune in skin care to repair it. I now use 3 moisturisors each morning. So I have had the best night sleep and Adrian made matters worse by letting jack sleep with us last night so I spent all night being punched and kicked by him! He is now too big to sleep with us. Another side note my iPod picks up a lot of my spelling and graamma mistakes and changers them for me which is great cos the ipod touch key board is very senitive.
Ok I'm off now cricket starts in an hour and I need to get out of bed

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Marshmallow Choc chip Muffins

marshmallow Choc chip muffin recipe

2 cups of self raising flour
1/2 cup of sugar
250grms of choc-chips
2/3 cup milk
1 egg
125g butter, melted
mini marshmallows
a teaspoon of vanilla essence

step 1 preheat oven to 180 degrees c, grease muffin pan.
step 2 combine flour, sugar and choc chips
step 3 add milk, butter, and vanilla essence and egg and mix well
step 4 spoon half of mixture into muffin tray, top with a few marshmallows and then top with rest of batter.
step 5 bake for 20-25 minutes

a recipe i found in a kids cook book i brought to cook with the kids. they enjoyed cooking it but some hateed it for some weird reason lol.
jack loves baking them and eating them

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lost-in-Direction - Road Trip to Canberra

Jenny and I went to her sister-in-laws hens night yesterday. oh my god what a road trip!
the hens night was in Canberra so we drove down for the weekend. we live 2.5 ho0urs drive north of Canberra and had planned to stay at my sister in law's Michelle's place. with the first event being at 12 noon we had left at 8.30 to give us plenty of time to get there and factor getting a bit lost and had time to have a cuppa at Michelle's and get changed before lunch. i had never driven to Canberra so i did not really know how to get to Michelle's place although i had been there a few times now. so Adrian had printed directions of google maps for me.
 i like to think i do have a pretty good scens of direction and can easily find my way again when i do get lost. and when it happens i dont get stressed out and generally work out that im lost early so its not that big a problem
but even with the directions we got lost 2 or 3 times and called Adrian in the mist of a giggling fit to get direction which he couldnt help with. so called Michelle and left a msg on her mobile when she called me back 30 seconds later we had found our way again. and what got us lost was 1 round about that we had taken the wrong exit twice then missed a turn off to the suburb Michelle lives in. simple mistakes, but they were more stressful because we were running late. we had drove through a heavy storm between Bowral and Yass so that had slowed us down and even more so becuase im on my green p's i can still only go 100 km/ph
so in the end it took us 3.5 hours to get to Canberra and arrived at lunch half an hour late.
lunch was very nice we had go to Pialligo Estate Winery ( i didnt taste any wine cos i was driving was dying to taste the rose and resling )
after lunch we went to changed and headed off to after tea held at a house 5 min drive from Michelle's. nice after noon tea and some cool hens night games i have added to  the inventory
then we left early to change again and get a cab form michelle's to dinner at the cbd.
however when we came out on the main rd again to lead us back from Michelle's we went the wrong way and when that rd ended realised i had veared of the rd i though oh it musted of been becuase it was dark and just missed. so we did a uturn and headed back but trouble was when we got back to the street we had turned on to originally we thought we had come to far and u turned again and again ended up at the end of the main rd. that was when we realised we had turned the wrong way originally and when we took the 2nd uturn we had made a mistake so it took us over an hour to get back to Michell's place when it was a 5 min drive. so again we arrived at dinner 30 mins late.
so this sound like we have no directional skills and are complete tragics but it was generally unusual to get that lost that many times for just silly mistakes by me anyway. it is people! everyone just seem to remember the times i get lost or get them lost not the times i drove my self places for  the first time with out directions without getting lost or anything and over all we did well. Canberra dose have confusing exist and roundabouts that are hard to use if you arent used to them.
overall we had a fantastic time and met some great girls and had a good road trip
today on the way home we didnt get lost once and had a good run back