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Monday, May 10, 2010

buttermilk pancakes

today mothers day
my first one!
Lilly woke up late :) went to bed early :) and I forgot to take a picture of the two of us! arh! :(

so with mothers day came my Julie cookbook and the start of my experiment. I had planed to go from start to finish but the first chapter is breakfast so I can't cook breakfast every day so I'll try one breakfast a week and insert the rest here and there and try and still do them in order
so the first recipee was buttermilk pancakes. I love pancakes! love my own recipee. we even have a pancake factory maker. but I don't really like buttermilk I've tried 3 or 4 different buttermilk recipees which I havnt liked, with not enough sugar. I was nervous making julies recipee. since it only had a half a cup of sugar and 300 mls of buttermilk.
Adrian, Lilly and I went up to mums for breaakfast today. well really brunch since it was almost 11am by the time we got up there. I took my pancake maker.
measuring a bit hard since mum dosnt have measuring cups! shock horror!! but I figured it out with lillys advent cups.
I didn't sieve as I couldn't be bothered. sometimes I don't bother. I was nervous how much milk was used comparision to flour but the consistency was good. I poured some thick butter into the pancake pan. no real need for cooking oil/ spray (I forgot) I got 8 out of the batter. enough for mum, beth, Jack, Adrian, lilly and I. they were yum! everyone liked them. I had to make more. the biggest test lilly loved them. and pancake connesuir jack had 5!