jon and kate met in 97 and were married in 99 almost right away they started trying to start a family. kate, having always worried about infertility when to get checked out and was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and was referred to fertility doctor. they were treated using IUI they were lucky and thrilled to fall pregnant the first cycle and then discover they were carrying twins. Cara and Madelyn (Mady) were born in october 08. when the twins were todlers they decided to have another child and with in two months they were pregnant again. they doctor told them on the day of the insemination there was 3 or 4 follicles. at the first scan it showed 7 sacs and 6 heart beats!! right away they were recommended to do a selected deduction. which jon and kate refused to do all though stating that day of scan was the worst days of their life's and they were so scared and what was going to happen.
of course the babies were premiture and in may 04 the 6 relative healthy gosselins were born. Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Colin, Leah and Joel.
so of course they made headlines not on having sextuplets is a 1 in 3000000000 chance but kate and jon now had two sets of multiples with 8 kids under 5!
TLC did a special "surviving sextuplets and twins" which aired when the little kids were under one and showed us what is was like raising 4 year old twins and sextuplet babies.
the following year TLC did a followup show "surviving sextuplets and twins one year on" and this time featured kate preparation for the week she would be away getting a tummy tuck ( which was donated from a fan of the first special and was badly needed after having a pregnancy of 6 babies!) and it showed how much the children had grown up. they were now almost 2 and the twins were 5.
then TLC decided to do a regular show and started airing before the twins were 6 and the sextuplets were 2. it first aired in australia in November 2007 and aired season 1 and 2 back to back and is currently airing season 3. with season 4 being now aired in the US
so last november when the discovery channel had a special on multiplies it aired the initial 2, hour long specials then the first season back to back. and yes i fell in love with it, because i coveted it, as many as you know i have long being trying to fall pregnant and have children. and i identified with kate, like her i fared that i would have fertility problems long before i was diagnosed. like her i had tried to fall pregnant early after adrian and i had married. like her i had been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and like her i had undergo iui treatments.
i quickly discovered that kate was highly obsessive and compulsive and very organised in some ways over organised. she is a dominant personality and often has a short temper with her children and her husband.
but she is human and dosnt censor herself for cameras and just becuase she is seen yelling and belittling her husband dose not mean she dosnt love him. they both evidently love each other and both know that they dont mean what they say at the time, but they are just under stress or angry. everyone close to me knows that i can loose my temper at adrian and can yell at him and what i have to say in the mist of my frustration is not always to every ones taste but adrian does understand that i dont mean it
a lot of kate's parenting i dont agree with but i can understand the reasoning, a lot i dont agree with and cant understand the logic behind it either. and a lot i agree with and i have also got a lot of tips from her for when i have children.
but parenting is not easy and parenting has to, needs to be unique for every family with similar styles shared through cultures, families, friends etc
so anyways because im a net junkie and obsessive with the thing i like i joined facebook groups dedicated to the show.
then i googled them and after the first three hits which are the tlc and the gosselin home page and the wiki site. there is then many blogs and msg boards dedicated to hating the show, in particular kate.
i stumbled on and read a few and most when on to say that the children were being exploited and that jon and kate were being paid millions of dollars and getting lost of free products off the show. and that she choose to have eight kids so why should she recive any handouts and help. that comments annoyed me. they didnt choose to have eight children. they fell prganant with twins using iui becuase they had fertility problems and then want another child not uncommon for families to want 3 children and used again iui because the same problems existed and in america the standards and less controlled then ivf so the cances of larger multiples are greater, however it is cheaper by thousands of dollars (here it is $1000 and is medicare covered after the safty net, where as ivf is $5000 + , but not only the finacials are different but thr procedure is different if you dont need to use ivf you wouldn't. iui is evasive emotional and hormonally challenging on your body and emotions but ivf is even more so, it is very evasive and emotional and hard on your body. then people say well they could of selected to deduced some. i find that highly offensive, imagine ordealing infertility , then finding out joyful against the odds you have falling pregnant but there is a large multiple, being asked to abort some after praying, trying and going through all those procedures to get one?
its obvious that they arent getting rehearsed or retakes, the children have known the crew since they were babies.
if they are getting money can you blame them yes they are raising eight children they didnt plan for
i then found a blog written by an extended family member who says she is telling the truth about jon and kate but her 20 + post are not really about the truth or any info,it is basically a vent and on line argument aimed at j&k because she knows them. and most of the information we really dont even need to know? who cares we just want to watch the gosselins not everyone related to them.
this blogger was very naive she says she didnt want to fight but you cant hide on the net , ( I KNOW) and it is very easy for people to take things the wrong way when it is written on line, especially for everyone to see.
im not even going to post her link. she says you can find it unless you go looking for it or for boards against the show. however i found it by searching jon and kate plus 8 and it was linked to the fourth hit! and her latest post shows a clip from cnn which mentions her blog and the url is seen!
anyway i guess i have learned through my own blog and am now passing on to others, blog it and be exoected to answer to it and post it on facebook and everyone will see and you cant claim ohh its just my little bolog to ven, and oh i didnt think everyone would know on fb ......
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