Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gosselin 8
Bradbury v Harrington Park
Monday, October 13, 2008
The boom in women pretending to be lesbians to attract attention is leaving a trail of emotional destruction, according to a social commentator.
Several high-profile relationships involving "real lesbians" and women more often linked to men — such as MTV's Ruby Rose and Jess Origliasso, and Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan — have reportedly encouraged a wave of "fauxmosexuals" on the real life party circuit.
PHOTOS: Invasion of the faux lesbians
Gay social commentator Tim Duggan has described the "lesbian trend" as a fad which is actually doing "more damage than good".
"Experimentation is healthy — what it leads to can sometimes be a great thing, but you need to wonder what effect [fake lesbians] are having on women," said Mr Duggan, co-founder of gay and lesbian site SameSame.
"Women who pretend to be lesbians do it to titillate men.
"The current trend of gay acceptance is a Trojan horse: on the surface it's 'wow, isn’t it great, it's being talked about', but it's not real acceptance — it's a titillating, easy-on-the-eyes acceptance."
Online gay forums are abuzz with talk of the "bogus lesbian" craze, with some questioning whether the trend is putting real homosexuals at risk.
"Where do these fauxmosexual fads leave queer teens once they're packed away in the cupboard (with other fads)?," user timbo84 wrote.
"The statistic of 30 percent of teen suicides in the US being gay or lesbian teens is very distressing.
"Here's hoping pop culture moves on to focus on people like Ellen and Ian McKellen and not those who are just 'out' to make a buck!"
Mr Duggan said the impact of "celesbians" — stars who use alternative lifestyles as marketing ploys — is something which can no longer be ignored.
"When straight celebrities like Katy Perry come out and sing about kissing girls and liking it, you have to wonder what impact that has on the playground," he said.
Perry rocketed to the top of the singles chart, both locally and overseas, after her song "I Kissed A Girl" became a worldwide smash.
MTV VJ Ruby Rose was seen locking lips with Veronicas twin Jess Origliasso at a Sydney nightclub in March.
Rose, 22, later stressed the two were "just friends" during a tell-all interview where she revealed she came out when was just 12 years old.
Earlier this month, Rose was spotted kissing Australia's Next Top Model contestant Samantha Downie at a Rolling Stone magazine party.

a new blue harvest of hope
man it is hilarious especially to star wars freaks. the whole episdoe takes of star wars almost shot for shot. it starts when there is a black out and peter tells them all a story "we will start at the beginning at episode 4"
here are some of the best quotes
Title card/crawl: A long time ago, but somehow in the future... It is a period of civil war and renegade paragraphs floating through space. There's cool space battles, and the bad guy is the good guy's dad. But you don't find that out 'til the next episode. And the hot chick is really the sister of the good guy, but they don't know it and they kiss. Which is kind of messed up. I mean, what if they had done it instead of just kissed? Angelina Jolie kissed her brother. Yeah, she did. You know it, I know it, and her dad knows it. That's why they hardly ever talk anymore. You can run away to Africa, but you can't run away from the truth. Oh, by the way, here's a tip for you: when this is over, go out and rent the movie "Gia." She's way naked in it, and makes out with another chick and everything. It's awesome. I stumbled across it late night on HBO after I had just got back from hockey, and I almost fainted. But I digest... Princess Leia was coming back from buying space groceries when this happened...
Peter (Han Solo): This is a story of love and loss, fathers and sons, and the foresight to retain international merchandising rights. This is the story of Star Wars. Let's begin with Part Four.
Imperial Officer 1: Hold your fire. There's no life forms aboard.
Imperial Officer 2: Hold your fire? What, are we paying by the laser now?
Imperial Officer 2: You don't do the budget, Terry. I do.
this is one funnier if you see it though
General Tagge: Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they've obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe.
Stewie (Darth Vader): That is fantastic. Terrific work. So no weaknesses at all?
General Tagge: N... no.
Stewie (Darth Vader): You, uh, you hesitated there. Is there something I should know?
General Tagge: No, it's virtually indestructible, like 99.99%.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Uh, okay, wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask what's the 0.01?
General Tagge: Well, I mean, there's this little hole. It was kind of an aesthetic choice by the architect. And if you shoot a laser into this hole, the station blows up.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That sounds like a pretty big design flaw, then.
General Tagge: No, no, the hole's only two meters across.
Mayor Adam West (Grand Moff Tarkin): Well, that's no bigger than a womp rat.
General Tagge: Exactly. And even to get within range of it, you have to skim along this whole trench. It's not a big deal.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Can't we board it up or, you know, put some plywood over it or something?
General Tagge: Well, that would look terrible. I mean, we gotta think about resale.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Resale? What are you talking about? This property is right above Sunset. The value is only going to go up.
General Tagge: Lord Vader, your inside references to the Los Angeles real estate market haven't given you the clairvoyance to turn a profit on that condo in Glendale. Nor has it...
Stewie (Darth Vader): [Vader begins to choke him] I find your lack of faith disturbing. That property is in a prime location! Twenty minutes to the beach, twenty minutes to downtown!
General Tagge: [choking] There's nothing to do downtown!
Mayor Adam West (Grand Moff Tarkin): Enough of this! Vader, release him!
Stewie (Darth Vader): As you wish.
[releases Tagge]
Stewie (Darth Vader): All right, so were' going to plug up that hole?
Imperial Officer: Yeah, we can get it done tomorrow if price is no object.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Ehhhh...
Imperial Officer: We'll get estimates.
Stewie (Darth Vader): Get estimates, yeah, yeah.
Barbara Pewterschmidt (Aunt Beru): Tell Uncle Owen not to tell you that your father is Darth Vader.
Rush Limbaugh: My good friends, the liberal galactic media is at it again. They never stop. Now they're trying to convince us that Hoth is melting. Well, that's crazy, Just trying to scare us. And if that weren't enough to get you mad, we now have news that Lando Calrissian has been made the chief administrator of the Bespin mining facility. Gee, I wonder how he got that job. Well, let me tell you how he got that job. Affirmitive action strikes again
Peter (Han Solo): I'm Han Solo, captain of the Millenium Falcon, and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by this movie.
Peter (Han Solo): We'll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We'll lose'em.
[the Falcon starts listing lazily to the left]
Chris (Luke Skywalker): Uh, that was your maneuver? Moving slightly to the left?
Peter (Han Solo): Well, I mean we're not in the same place we were, huh? That ought to confuse'em.
Chris (Luke Skywalker): Yeah, but you hardly did anything. You just started listing lazily to the left. I'm pretty sure they can keep up.
Imperial Officer 1: Where did they go?
Imperial Officer 2: There they are! They're listing lazily to the left. Go left, left!
Imperial Officer 1: Boy, this guy knows some maneuvers.
ok i basically just copied the screen play put here is some clips ;)
thats like random...seriously
By Angela Saurine
October 13, 2008 01:00am
NEXT time you're at the pub and hear a glass smash, try to resist the urge to call out "taxi!"
If you want to catch up with a work contact, suggest something other than "let's do lunch".
And whatever you do, don't phone someone to "touch base".
That's the verdict of fed-up Australians, who have voted on the most overused and hated phrases in a nationwide survey.
Social researcher Mark McCrindle found politicians, workmates and teenagers the worst cliche offenders.
When it came to political speak, the saying, "I'm not ruling anything out" was the most despised.
But overall, the phrase "at the end of the day" was the most irritating in the English language.
In social cliches, saying a person is hot and making a sizzling noise was also a big no-no.
But people appreciate it when you say "bless you" when someone sneezes or offer to "touch wood" on their behalf.
Join the survey: Share your most hated cliches
"Cliches are increasingly part of our society," Mr McCrindle said.
"They bring a familiarity to conversations and they sometimes can fill in those awkward silences and keep things flowing. (But) they do tend to have a use-by date."
Stephanie Rogers, 16, often annoys her mother Gabriela with typical Gen Y phrases. "She says 'whatever' with the whole rolling of the eyes," Mrs Rogers said. Stephanie also admitted to saying the word "like" too much.
i went looking for the full list but couldnt find it, disapointed but ill thought ill add the ones i use often and the ones i hate.
i use : random, too funny, seriously, whats that about?, whatever
let me know about other i use guys...
ones i cant stand: my bad, sick, bling
dont leave your garden gnome out
here is the full list
1. Cash/document
2. Tool
3. Personal item
4. Bicycle
5. Credit card
1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Jewellery
4. Personal item
5. Communications equipment
1. Drug
2. Jewellery
3. Cash/document
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Gardening equipment and material
1. Cash/document
2. Hardware/building/decorating
3. Gardening equipment and material
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Communications Equipment
1. Cash/document
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Hardware/building/decorating
4. Bicycle
5. Communications equipment
1. Home entertainment equipment
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Cash/document
4. Gardening equipment and material
5. Hardware/building/decorating
1. Gardening equipment and material
2. Clothing
3. Cash/document
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Communications equipment
1. Cash/document
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Clothing
4. Jewellery
5 Jewellery - ring
1. Tool
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Cash/document
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Hardware/building.decorating
1. Cash/document
2. Gardening equipment and material
3. Jewellery - ring
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Bicycle
1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery
3. Personal item
4. Bicycle
5. Credit card
1. Cash/document
2. Personal item
3. Drug
4. Gardening equipment and material
5. Miscellaneous
1. Cash/document
2. Hardware/building/decorating
3. Jewellery - ring
4. Home Entertainment Equipment
5. Communications equipment
1. Drug
2. Tool
3. Gardening equipment and material
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Bicycle
1. cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Communications equipment
4. Hardware/building.decorating
5. Miscellaneous
1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Communication equipment
4. Tool
5. Hardware/building/decorating
1. Cash/document
2. Sport - outdoor equipment
3. Gardening equipment and material
4. Personal item
5. Household item
1. Drug
2. Jewellery
3. cash/document
4 Jewellery - ring
5. Gardening equipment and material
1. Jewellery
2. Cash/Document
3. Personal item
4. gardening equipment and material
5. Bicycle
1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Personal item
4. Credit card
5. Bicycle
1. Cash/document
2. Communications equipment
3. Bicycle
4. Hardware/building/decorating
5. Personal item
1. cash/document
2. Bicycle
3. Credit card
4. Personal item
5. Jewellery - ring
1. Cash/document
2. Personal item
3. Credit card
4. Bicycle
5. Communications equipment
1. Cash/document
2. Bicycle
3. Credit card
4. Jewellery - ring
5. Jewellery
1. Cash/document
2. Credit card
3. Miscellaneous
4. Personal item
5. Communications equipment
1. Cash/document
2. Personal item
3. Miscellaneous
4. Communications equipment
5. Hardware/building/decorating
1. Gardening equipment and material
2. Cash/document
3. Hardware/building.decorating
4. Bicycle
5. Communications equipment
1. Cash/document
2. Drug
3. Personal item
4. Jewellery
5. Bicycle
1. Cash/document
2. Garden equipment and material
3. Jewellery
4. Clothing
5. Communications Equipment
1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery
3. Gardening equipment and material
4, Computer ware
5. Jewellery - ring
1. Cash/document
2. Jewellery - ring
3. Communications equipment
4. Bicycle
5. Jewellery
1. Cash/document
2. Bicycle
3. Credit card
4. Personal item
5. Miscellaneous
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tatto 1

so i have wanted a tattoo for as long as i could remember and had a heap of ideas but none really grabbed me that much either then the day after i was admitted to hospital and i was flicking through the cancer council info booklets (excellent little info books about all different things you need to know about cancer and treatment) i was looking at the daffodil symbol that use and suddenly thought bingo when im done with chemo im getting one on my left wrist to signified that i survived cancer/chemo and it was also perfect cos daffodils are my fav flowers
anyways i let my peeps know ( a friend was going to do it ) he said sure after chemo NOT during and last night he said im free tomorrow so up we went to get it
so its dainty and cute im going to attach a picture of the symbol and will add a pic when its healed
didnt hurt that much at all!! mum and Craig where there so they got one each too now i just need to figure out the places for the rest!! ......
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ok I'm off now cricket starts in an hour and I need to get out of bed
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Marshmallow Choc chip Muffins
marshmallow Choc chip muffin recipe
2 cups of self raising flour
1/2 cup of sugar
250grms of choc-chips
2/3 cup milk
1 egg
125g butter, melted
mini marshmallows
a teaspoon of vanilla essence
step 1 preheat oven to 180 degrees c, grease muffin pan.
step 2 combine flour, sugar and choc chips
step 3 add milk, butter, and vanilla essence and egg and mix well
step 4 spoon half of mixture into muffin tray, top with a few marshmallows and then top with rest of batter.
step 5 bake for 20-25 minutes
a recipe i found in a kids cook book i brought to cook with the kids. they enjoyed cooking it but some hateed it for some weird reason lol.
jack loves baking them and eating them
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Lost-in-Direction - Road Trip to Canberra
Jenny and I went to her sister-in-laws hens night yesterday. oh my god what a road trip!
the hens night was in Canberra so we drove down for the weekend. we live 2.5 ho0urs drive north of Canberra and had planned to stay at my sister in law's Michelle's place. with the first event being at 12 noon we had left at 8.30 to give us plenty of time to get there and factor getting a bit lost and had time to have a cuppa at Michelle's and get changed before lunch. i had never driven to Canberra so i did not really know how to get to Michelle's place although i had been there a few times now. so Adrian had printed directions of google maps for me.
i like to think i do have a pretty good scens of direction and can easily find my way again when i do get lost. and when it happens i dont get stressed out and generally work out that im lost early so its not that big a problem
but even with the directions we got lost 2 or 3 times and called Adrian in the mist of a giggling fit to get direction which he couldnt help with. so called Michelle and left a msg on her mobile when she called me back 30 seconds later we had found our way again. and what got us lost was 1 round about that we had taken the wrong exit twice then missed a turn off to the suburb Michelle lives in. simple mistakes, but they were more stressful because we were running late. we had drove through a heavy storm between Bowral and Yass so that had slowed us down and even more so becuase im on my green p's i can still only go 100 km/ph
so in the end it took us 3.5 hours to get to Canberra and arrived at lunch half an hour late.
lunch was very nice we had go to Pialligo Estate Winery ( i didnt taste any wine cos i was driving was dying to taste the rose and resling )
after lunch we went to changed and headed off to after tea held at a house 5 min drive from Michelle's. nice after noon tea and some cool hens night games i have added to the inventory
then we left early to change again and get a cab form michelle's to dinner at the cbd.
however when we came out on the main rd again to lead us back from Michelle's we went the wrong way and when that rd ended realised i had veared of the rd i though oh it musted of been becuase it was dark and just missed. so we did a uturn and headed back but trouble was when we got back to the street we had turned on to originally we thought we had come to far and u turned again and again ended up at the end of the main rd. that was when we realised we had turned the wrong way originally and when we took the 2nd uturn we had made a mistake so it took us over an hour to get back to Michell's place when it was a 5 min drive. so again we arrived at dinner 30 mins late.
so this sound like we have no directional skills and are complete tragics but it was generally unusual to get that lost that many times for just silly mistakes by me anyway. it is people! everyone just seem to remember the times i get lost or get them lost not the times i drove my self places for the first time with out directions without getting lost or anything and over all we did well. Canberra dose have confusing exist and roundabouts that are hard to use if you arent used to them.
overall we had a fantastic time and met some great girls and had a good road trip
today on the way home we didnt get lost once and had a good run back
Friday, October 3, 2008
yay a new layout
both adrian and i own ipods. we both brought them when they first arrived so he had an oiriginal one and i had an ipod mini (they were out so brief ppl forget they exists!) We have both since updated our ipods adrian started with the frist video ipods because his ipod was stolen and i just updated to the ipod touch, adrian got it for me for christmas....yes christams you read correctly its was on special with more the $100 off so he brought it early and i couldnt handle it having it in the house without using it so i got to have it earky in September! yay!
the reason why i needed the update was my battery was dying in the old one and didnt last anymore.
but it was a lengthy process to transfer songs to the new one. we had to get an update for our windows and then transfer all adrians songs form his to the pc for me to use as they werent on itune. its still not all done ands its now 3 weeks old.
but i do LOVE it.takes a while to get use to the different format. but it is basically a pda or teeny laptop ot "palmtop"at home i can use my wireless to go onto the net. yay fb on my ipod and even better cos its ipod its a safari browser!
the other ipod thing i recently brought was an alam clock/ipod dock. adrian and i have always used our stero (in the lounge room so its blarring) to wake us up in the morning and wake up to merrick and rosso and kate ritchie breakie raido show. when we moved to mums we discovered we needed am alarm clock because after 8 years (thats how long we've been together but were both using this system before we met) its hard to wake up using another alarm.
so i brought the ipod dock its is beyond cool not only does it dock the ipod to play it out the speakers and charge it, it has a fm brand, 2 separate alarms, and comes with 5 nature sounds of waves, rain, birds ect so yo can choose to wake up to the raidio, ipod or nature sounds. im in love1 now i can listen to music at night with out ear phones which i havnt been able to do since we started living together
stay tuned for future ipod accessory purchases (wish list a voice recorder)