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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the strip with two line

yes after 
6 and half years
countless blood test, 
internal xrays and ultrasounds 
1 year of fertility drugs 
another year with 5 ivf cycles
cancer diagnosis 
7 months of 12 chemo treatments

i fell pregnant. naturally at that, what i thought wouldnt happen without ivf, we did it. 

now i fit into those excruciating stories of:- "we stop trying/we went on a holiday/i tried ivf and when i stopped/we were due to start ivf...then we fell pregnant"
i hate these stories when we were trying "miracle" stories from others who have been in your situation is the last thing that you want to here so i state we NEVER stop trying - we DIDNT go on a holiday, we only stop ivf due to chemo, we just didnt expect it happen. 

anyways enough about that i noticed i was late and picked up a pregnancy test on christmas eve with the intent to do it the next morning yes christmas day!
i cant remember how many of these things i have brought and had since going of the pill 6 and half years ago so adrian was not a fan about getting it so early and wanted to wait till after christmas or even new years. but i did it anyway. it took a minute for it to turn positive and after this long i wasnt expecting that result at all. i stared at it for a full 2 minutes untill i called agrain in to show him. we then had a quike discussion to decide to tell our parents or not, and i saw mum i burst into tears and told what was to happen.  we then told craig and beth. and when we arrived at adrians parents place i simply said i was going to have just juice that morning and smiled at judi and she knew what it meant! 
when i told my dad later that day i asked "so in 9 months do u want to be called "granddad" or "grandpa"? 
mum told john, geroge and connie the next day 
everyone is excited and happy, and has been very very very hard to keep it secret but if things go the other way i dont want  a million peoples pity i had enough of that through cancer so i told my family and am not sure if ill be posting this yet to notify facebook or not but i know not all my fb peeps read my blog so i think im save to post. 

now we face the head ach of shopping around for baby stuff and have spent the last 3 days looking at a hundred cots and change tables man! thats a whole different post to itself stay tune. 

so this pregnancy is of course going to be an epregnancy and a Ipregnancy, you may laugh but hey its true i have told a lot of you via the net, and i have already signed up for a few enewsletters from pregnancy websites and downloaded ipod pregnancy applications which are heaps cool! 

adrian has also decided to take a photo of me every sunday to create a belly book so see how it grows over the months to come. so im posting the first one im also posting the first photo taken of me once i knew 


Anonymous said...

I would have LOVED to have seen Quince's face when you asked him the question! lol Was he still standing afterwards?

wendishness said...

Congratulations Lisa...I'm slightly envious of course but so happy for you guys, what a great journey!


LisaD said...

lol we were in the car he thought i was joking at first and then paul chimed in wow congrats guys and then it sunk in to dad he is stoked now, wants to come in when i deliver

thanks wendy!!

wendishness said...

Even better if he wants to come in for the delivery, if I manage to get pregnant, I've got four people who want to be there with me LOL

I hope you have an uneventful pregnancy (i.e. everything goes smoothly)