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Sunday, September 21, 2008

moving hell

so we moved a fortnight ago. 
on the 31st of august my old boss informed me she want me to move out of the house we rented off her asap, essentially evicting us. 
her issue?
she had come on the my fb account and had read this blog via my imported notes. she took offense to two blog post. one about her not having my position to go back to work when i was ready and one about my sexuality. she also had issue of photos i had posted of her and me on there. and that i had my work details on my account. weird thing is, she doesn't have an account or net access at home. and my photos and work and contact details were on private settings. so if she had went on my profile and wasnt a friend yes she could read my blog (which has no personal details) but could not connect it to my work place. but she did see information that only my friends had access to so she saw my profile via one of my friends accounts.
needless to say she was very pissed off and printed all offending stuff off and said if i didnt take it off she would seek legal action against me. she was telling me my whole account was illegal!! and told me and adrian to move out. we did it in a week!!
she also told me that i should of never been a teacher again because i had cancer and would most likely would get sick again, that the drugs had "done stuff to my head", "i should move away and start afresh some where else", and that she thought i was going to die. 
so i turned my fb account private. deleted one of the post (the one about me bitching about her) she cant have say about the rest of blogs. i deleted the photos of her and me ect. and also deleted 8 friends that were connected to her since i could not be sure who dobbed me in for what i wrote as she said she was told by some one. 
yet as you can see she hasnt made me afraid to post on my blog (i also changed my url address so anyone has my blog subscription u should update it ;) )
she may claim she has a legal case against me but i have at least two against her at this stage so......
what ever  bitch!!

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