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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

inside the actors studio

These questions are the last questions they ask the actors that apear on the actors studio which is a great show if u have never seen it

1. What is your favourite word?
- I don't think I have one the closet one is fuck but the most said one is man or oh my god/goodness

2. What is a word you hate?
- I can't stand " my bad" it's a sucky excuse for an apology I also hate the word accreditation which all child care workers will also share a hate for

3. What turns you on?
Secret kisses, laughing

4. What turns you off?
Lies and selfishness

5. what is a sound you love?
- I love giggles from kids of just the cool theories they have and I love music most music
6. what is a sound you don't like?
- squels or screaming it pieces right through you esp a bad day

7. what is your favourite course word
Obviously it's fuck I find it hard not to use this in most conversations

8. what profession would you like to atempt other than yours
- probably writing

9. what profession would you not to try other than yours?
- cleaning I used to do this casualy for mum it's not for me

10 if heaven exsits what would god say when you get there?
- I've been waiting for you!


wendishness said...

Oh I hate "my bad" too, it's just weak!

lol great answers

LisaD said...

thank god im not the only freak who hates that lol i thought i was alone as more and more ppl use it!

wendishness said...

please don't tell me more people use it LOL