as some may know the FLDS compound in Eldorado, Texas in the US was raided some weeks ago and 400 children were placed into children services amongst allegations of child abuse and underage marriages and pregnancy. the authorities acting on a tip of from an alleged victim, claimed that there were many under age girls who were pregnant or had had babies to older men they had been forced to marry. i have followed the church stories for some while now and am quiet interested in it. it began to raise international headlines after Warren Jeff's the spiritual leader of the church/sect started to move "selected" individuals from an original compound in Utah to the new Eldorado compound. splitting families and strict new rules were put in place. then Warren jeffs was committed to rape, accomplice in rape, forcing a 14 yr old to marry her adult cousin, and fathering a child by a 12 years old.
when the children were first taken they refused to tell authorities what their names were or identify their parents and many men are still not claiming who their children are out of fear of conviction. and the mothers are also keeping quiet.
some families are now being returned with couples going on record to say they are in monogamous marriages
personally i dont think i have a problem with polygamy hell i might even think its fun (okay this has stemmed probably from my love of the polygamy drama Big Love, excellent show with Bill Paxton!!)
but really each to their own. i dont think that marriage should be opened to more then 2 people (although i think that if its legal in your birth country it should be recognizes in a country u migrate to) but i dont think it should be illegal either. as long as they are committing fraud, abusing children into marriages what does it matter?
many people have secret second families out there and id probably kill Adrian if he had a secret family, but i sometimes think it would be cool to have someone els here, like when adrian is it at work and i need looking after, or when u want to go out somewhere and none of ur friends are available your sister wife would be. (okay maybe i couldn't handle adrian sleeping with his second wife lol but i could handle me sleeping with her LOL)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Chemo Sideaffects Sucks!
i was originally going to have this is as my status in facebook
but decided to vent here instead so i didnt get a million msgs on my wall and inbox asking what is wrong
so i woke up all crappy today which is unusual for a day after chemo i normally get a delayed reaction of nausea that hits me on Thursday or Friday.
so i was going to post it as my status but thought it would be best to do it here
anyway these are the side effects i could live without
1. nausea it sucks and i have a low tolerance for nausea lets leave it at that lol
2. the 5 tablets i have to have to get me going in the morning then tablets during the day to keep me going that dont take it completely away and i have to have food with it which is hard when ur nauseas
3. the bad taste (like metal) u get in your mouth that changes the way everything taste and turns u off some foods and makes u like others arhh!
4. the heighten sense of smell which sounds cool like a super hero or something but sucks when u put ur fav perfume on and it instantly makes you want to be sick and u really cant wash it off once its off even more irritating if u work it yesterday ( i decided against the match lipstick once i had that reaction lol)
5. the tiredness and exhaustion u have all the time, like today i fell asleep for 3 hours and when i woke up whwn adrian got home i thought it was 5.30 on thrsday morn and adrian was leaving work without saying goodbye. or two weeks ago when i slept all friday i fell asleep on my bed in the middle not even on pillow or anything. and two days before that feel asleep in front in my computer chair ( thats a bad influences i have picked up from Michael a fb friend, luckily today i new i was falling asleep and went up to bed before i did in the chair again. Lucian would of thought i had keyboard marks on my face.
6. putting on weight so im in between sizes again and have nothing to wear :( enough said !!!
7. losing my hair, makes me cold now , and leave me me with less clothing options , hair goes with everything!! actually ill only winge about the hair on my heads its cool not having to shave
8. bad memory i have shocking memory at the moment i forget days and what i did and what im doing i dont even remember the next thing that was on this list lol
9 so ill make one up (im actually not lying though) my uncontrollable thirst god and its not for water that i absolutely love and now cant drink cos of the mental taste (this has now turned into tow reasons) no i cant get enough coke, well diet coke, with ice, and the best cokes are the extra large ones form maccas i drank 3 of the the other day one after the other man which leads into my teeth feel like they are just going to fall out! god a big fear
10. now i remeber the real next on the list which was suppose to be up a bit higher so it can slip in unnoticed amongst the other gripes since ill be tagging this one
is sex now that im on chemo which is toxic chemicals beeing pumped into my body we cant risk passing these on to adrian or falling pregnant ( ohh the irony!!) and i cant go on the pill nor do i really want to so we had to use condoms. yik anyone who knows me i dont like them everything about them and they know why so i wont go into it too much information lol (however im not agisnt other ppl using them for safe sex purposes but since im married i cant hate them if i want to )
11. cos im on chemo i cant fall pregnant so its putting my life on hold! it sucks i wanted to be on maternity leave by now (with actually the 3rd baby!) but instead im on sick leave so this sucks and now im not working and in debt its going to hard to save and justify to others going back to ivf after chemo. arrhhh!
okay enough winging and im typing this in Siberia (which is actually warm tonight and i have no jukebox cos the net hates me using i tunes at the same time) so i keep getting bumped off thank god for auto save!!!
ciao (omg influences from aus chat yet there is Colombians in there again!)
jamata ( i wish i could speak fluent Japaneses
пока (ok i dont know russian i just put it in since im tagging Michael)
tchau ( Portuguese completely random )
okay enough byes im turning of the translator
but decided to vent here instead so i didnt get a million msgs on my wall and inbox asking what is wrong
so i woke up all crappy today which is unusual for a day after chemo i normally get a delayed reaction of nausea that hits me on Thursday or Friday.
so i was going to post it as my status but thought it would be best to do it here
anyway these are the side effects i could live without
1. nausea it sucks and i have a low tolerance for nausea lets leave it at that lol
2. the 5 tablets i have to have to get me going in the morning then tablets during the day to keep me going that dont take it completely away and i have to have food with it which is hard when ur nauseas
3. the bad taste (like metal) u get in your mouth that changes the way everything taste and turns u off some foods and makes u like others arhh!
4. the heighten sense of smell which sounds cool like a super hero or something but sucks when u put ur fav perfume on and it instantly makes you want to be sick and u really cant wash it off once its off even more irritating if u work it yesterday ( i decided against the match lipstick once i had that reaction lol)
5. the tiredness and exhaustion u have all the time, like today i fell asleep for 3 hours and when i woke up whwn adrian got home i thought it was 5.30 on thrsday morn and adrian was leaving work without saying goodbye. or two weeks ago when i slept all friday i fell asleep on my bed in the middle not even on pillow or anything. and two days before that feel asleep in front in my computer chair ( thats a bad influences i have picked up from Michael a fb friend, luckily today i new i was falling asleep and went up to bed before i did in the chair again. Lucian would of thought i had keyboard marks on my face.
6. putting on weight so im in between sizes again and have nothing to wear :( enough said !!!
7. losing my hair, makes me cold now , and leave me me with less clothing options , hair goes with everything!! actually ill only winge about the hair on my heads its cool not having to shave
8. bad memory i have shocking memory at the moment i forget days and what i did and what im doing i dont even remember the next thing that was on this list lol
9 so ill make one up (im actually not lying though) my uncontrollable thirst god and its not for water that i absolutely love and now cant drink cos of the mental taste (this has now turned into tow reasons) no i cant get enough coke, well diet coke, with ice, and the best cokes are the extra large ones form maccas i drank 3 of the the other day one after the other man which leads into my teeth feel like they are just going to fall out! god a big fear
10. now i remeber the real next on the list which was suppose to be up a bit higher so it can slip in unnoticed amongst the other gripes since ill be tagging this one
is sex now that im on chemo which is toxic chemicals beeing pumped into my body we cant risk passing these on to adrian or falling pregnant ( ohh the irony!!) and i cant go on the pill nor do i really want to so we had to use condoms. yik anyone who knows me i dont like them everything about them and they know why so i wont go into it too much information lol (however im not agisnt other ppl using them for safe sex purposes but since im married i cant hate them if i want to )
11. cos im on chemo i cant fall pregnant so its putting my life on hold! it sucks i wanted to be on maternity leave by now (with actually the 3rd baby!) but instead im on sick leave so this sucks and now im not working and in debt its going to hard to save and justify to others going back to ivf after chemo. arrhhh!
okay enough winging and im typing this in Siberia (which is actually warm tonight and i have no jukebox cos the net hates me using i tunes at the same time) so i keep getting bumped off thank god for auto save!!!
ciao (omg influences from aus chat yet there is Colombians in there again!)
jamata ( i wish i could speak fluent Japaneses
пока (ok i dont know russian i just put it in since im tagging Michael)
tchau ( Portuguese completely random )
okay enough byes im turning of the translator
Sunday, May 25, 2008
memorable chatters
ok so i have been a chat junky for some years now i tend to have burst of action though.
since i have been back chatting it has reminded me of a few memorable chaters i have met over the years. it sounds like the dark ages but i didnt have the net at home growing up, i was deprived lol no i grew up on the edge of "generation net" so we didnt have it. anyways so i used to go chatting at jens place and used yahoo chat and we used her name.
1. chatter is the first person that tired to cyber with us lol ill never forget it he asked us what we were wearing and jen types habit thinking it will turn him off he types where r u? jen types church my child, he says not giving up i come in out of the rain and jen types i give u an umbrella he tries to carry it on , man we stumble on the guy with a nun fetish! or he was just desperate anyways there was no way were going to cyber with him 3 reasons
1. we were 17 and lacked the imagination (okay we really didnt if u saw the letters that we used to write to one another lol, but im sticking with this to make me look innocent)
2. cyber 3soms really dont work cos the 2 could just get it on in the flesh and bugger of the net 3rd!
3. we were in jens lounge room and she lived at home, communal lounge room for the family enough said.
2. chatter was his name was green ninja anyway back story is i had the huge crush on a guy in my class name ben and ben tried to convince me that my Japaneses teacher was a ninja that night on chat we run into a guy name green ninja and we think maybe its ben from school since his last name has green in it
anyways we start calling him ben and say thats his new name, he goes along with it!!, jen emailed him for a while and he would signed the emails off as ben lol too funny
3. then when Adrian and i moved in together i got an email and started chatting on msn. i met this guy yeah so memorable i for get his name i want to say David but it wasn't any way he was from the north of nsw and drove dump trucks. any way we were regulars in the aus chat room and soon we were going into other rooms to piss ppl off heheh we went into the Christian room and told them we were living together and they got so upset with us they banned us fro an hour so when the hour was up we were back in again telling them crap and we got banned for 12 hours lol the next night we went back in and started cycbering with each other in their main room with censored language though and then got a lifetime ban lol
4. was the first person i did cyber with i again dont remember her name but it was good so thats all i have to say about that
5. i met another guy from melb i stated chatting to him cos his name was the reverse of my step dads weird he went to uni cant remember what he did we chatted for over a year, eventually i scared him off i think he thought i was into him ( i wasnt!) he got a gf and didnt come on msn anymore what ever
6. the last one ill post about was a girl from egypt i was chatting to her and unknowingly to me i was also chatting to her brother he was chatting under a different name. anyways she wanted to cyber with me and sent me naked pics of herself (stupid girl i still have them for some reason??)
Anyway the next thing i know ther reveal they are brother and sister and they are fucking and start telling me all the stuff they are doing to each other soo gross!!! At this point im totally regretting adding her on msn so after that I had to hide from her when she came on line or say I was Adrian so she would leave me alone but she did still email me more naked pictures of herself so weird! wish she was hotter but she is still a freak who has sex with her brother so kinda takes a way from any sexiness she may have by being a freak!
since i have been back chatting it has reminded me of a few memorable chaters i have met over the years. it sounds like the dark ages but i didnt have the net at home growing up, i was deprived lol no i grew up on the edge of "generation net" so we didnt have it. anyways so i used to go chatting at jens place and used yahoo chat and we used her name.
1. chatter is the first person that tired to cyber with us lol ill never forget it he asked us what we were wearing and jen types habit thinking it will turn him off he types where r u? jen types church my child, he says not giving up i come in out of the rain and jen types i give u an umbrella he tries to carry it on , man we stumble on the guy with a nun fetish! or he was just desperate anyways there was no way were going to cyber with him 3 reasons
1. we were 17 and lacked the imagination (okay we really didnt if u saw the letters that we used to write to one another lol, but im sticking with this to make me look innocent)
2. cyber 3soms really dont work cos the 2 could just get it on in the flesh and bugger of the net 3rd!
3. we were in jens lounge room and she lived at home, communal lounge room for the family enough said.
2. chatter was his name was green ninja anyway back story is i had the huge crush on a guy in my class name ben and ben tried to convince me that my Japaneses teacher was a ninja that night on chat we run into a guy name green ninja and we think maybe its ben from school since his last name has green in it
anyways we start calling him ben and say thats his new name, he goes along with it!!, jen emailed him for a while and he would signed the emails off as ben lol too funny
3. then when Adrian and i moved in together i got an email and started chatting on msn. i met this guy yeah so memorable i for get his name i want to say David but it wasn't any way he was from the north of nsw and drove dump trucks. any way we were regulars in the aus chat room and soon we were going into other rooms to piss ppl off heheh we went into the Christian room and told them we were living together and they got so upset with us they banned us fro an hour so when the hour was up we were back in again telling them crap and we got banned for 12 hours lol the next night we went back in and started cycbering with each other in their main room with censored language though and then got a lifetime ban lol
4. was the first person i did cyber with i again dont remember her name but it was good so thats all i have to say about that
5. i met another guy from melb i stated chatting to him cos his name was the reverse of my step dads weird he went to uni cant remember what he did we chatted for over a year, eventually i scared him off i think he thought i was into him ( i wasnt!) he got a gf and didnt come on msn anymore what ever
6. the last one ill post about was a girl from egypt i was chatting to her and unknowingly to me i was also chatting to her brother he was chatting under a different name. anyways she wanted to cyber with me and sent me naked pics of herself (stupid girl i still have them for some reason??)
Anyway the next thing i know ther reveal they are brother and sister and they are fucking and start telling me all the stuff they are doing to each other soo gross!!! At this point im totally regretting adding her on msn so after that I had to hide from her when she came on line or say I was Adrian so she would leave me alone but she did still email me more naked pictures of herself so weird! wish she was hotter but she is still a freak who has sex with her brother so kinda takes a way from any sexiness she may have by being a freak!
clubman of the year
so adrian plays cricket in our local district for our local club bradbury.
he started playing in the 2001/2002 season the year we got married. so he has been playing for 7 years. and i have been scoring these last 7 years, something i really enjoy doing, i love watching them, the wins the losses, the semis and the one grand final that crushed us (and made adam cry lol)
anyways adrian does at lot for the club, plays seniors in our team which he shares captain duties, coaches the under 10 side, does the record keeping for the club (recording all the stats for all the clubs players) is on the executive as secretary, and represents Bradbury at the the district executive meetings.
so this year adrian was named clubman of the year! yay adrian!
he actually had a feeling he was getting it as it was his job to organise and get the trophies engraved for the presentation and thats was the trophy they didnt give to adrian.
what we both didnt know is our friend and team member MF along with the rest of the team nominated me for the award, they put the nomination in after it was decided adrian was to get it so the club decided to give it to both of us
soo cool.
before they announced it they were saying who could qualify for it and ernie the president mentioned scorers and i had said joking around 'hey i could get it!' lol then they call my name too funny.
anyway i was really touched!! it was cool that my name is now on the perpetual trophy too.
last year maria thomas who is the junior secretary was inducted into lifetime membership for the club after 13 yrs on the executive thats soo cool, one day i would like to get that.
he started playing in the 2001/2002 season the year we got married. so he has been playing for 7 years. and i have been scoring these last 7 years, something i really enjoy doing, i love watching them, the wins the losses, the semis and the one grand final that crushed us (and made adam cry lol)
anyways adrian does at lot for the club, plays seniors in our team which he shares captain duties, coaches the under 10 side, does the record keeping for the club (recording all the stats for all the clubs players) is on the executive as secretary, and represents Bradbury at the the district executive meetings.
so this year adrian was named clubman of the year! yay adrian!
he actually had a feeling he was getting it as it was his job to organise and get the trophies engraved for the presentation and thats was the trophy they didnt give to adrian.
what we both didnt know is our friend and team member MF along with the rest of the team nominated me for the award, they put the nomination in after it was decided adrian was to get it so the club decided to give it to both of us
soo cool.
before they announced it they were saying who could qualify for it and ernie the president mentioned scorers and i had said joking around 'hey i could get it!' lol then they call my name too funny.
anyway i was really touched!! it was cool that my name is now on the perpetual trophy too.
last year maria thomas who is the junior secretary was inducted into lifetime membership for the club after 13 yrs on the executive thats soo cool, one day i would like to get that.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
could i live by myself? NO!
on monday night i was downstairs from 5pm and at 6 i went back up to do something and had to turn the light on in the lounge room. when i did so the light blew. actually it not only blew it exploded. so the power tripped and i was left in complete darkness. i made my way down stairs ( difficult when my eyes have trouble adjusting in the dark) and outside to the power box. now i have never had to turn the power back on so i didnt now which switch i had to turn and couldnt really see as it was dark. so i thought my only option was to sit in darkness or by the glow of my computer until adrian go home at 7pm so only an hour lol. about 40 minutes later my boss rang as asked was the power off since the centre and house power are connected to the one power box. and the centre alarm must of been effected. i said it was but i didnt know which switch to turn on and adrian was about 20 mins away. she told me she will come over and turn it back on for me. to which i felt so guilty because she was at her mum's place for her birthday. so embarrassing! anyways adrian came home 2 minutes later so she didnt have to come over.
i felt so embarrassed. so i couldnt live by myself when i couldnt even turn my power back on if a light bulb blew! omg!
i felt so embarrassed. so i couldnt live by myself when i couldnt even turn my power back on if a light bulb blew! omg!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
i thought i better post this now before the game just in case we loose(im a true fan i know we will win!) because if we do ill be soo angry i wont be able to write it.
like many ppl in nsw and qld tonight ill sit down to watch the first of three state of origin rugby league matches. these are the games to watch if u only watch 3 matches all year. state pride is on the line. that being said the worst thing about the days leading up to the game it highlights how many nsw ppl who barrack for qld. ahhhh i cant stand when this happens and often wonder why? i was born and breed in NSW for me there is no other option but to go for the Blues. but i know many ppl who were also born and breed in nsw and go for qld. there seams to be many reasons why they do this.
1. they follow broncos (other disgusting sin for a nsw person to do!)
2. they live close to the border. ( still u live in NSW!)
3. their family/parents relocated to nsw so gave them no real choice but to follow qld growing up.
4. mystery reason, they just follow qld.
i understand that is hard to go for a state team that is full of players you dont like and the other team is full of players who u love, i understand families push their team choices onto children. so these two reason may be excusable, i said may!
state of origin for me is the game you want to play, i think its bigger and better then test spot, playing for Australia, state of orgin is a better competition then a test match against nz or uk. i believe this so much i have said if i was playing footy and was given an opportunity to sign first grade, an event i have longed and waited for, but the team was broncos, storm, cowboys, warriors, i wouldnt sign as it means i would not be able to play for NSW. and if i did sign with them having no choice but to sign then was picked in the QLD side i would turn it down, even though this would cost me a spot on the Australian team. i could not play in a maroon jersey
another thing i love about the game is the state bet between the premiers, this years bet is the loosing state's premier has to have a signed framed jersey of the winning state hung in their office for a year. at least that only effects them, i would hate to loose the bet where we have to fly the qld flag on the harbour bridge.
anyways one last thing to say GO NSW!!
like many ppl in nsw and qld tonight ill sit down to watch the first of three state of origin rugby league matches. these are the games to watch if u only watch 3 matches all year. state pride is on the line. that being said the worst thing about the days leading up to the game it highlights how many nsw ppl who barrack for qld. ahhhh i cant stand when this happens and often wonder why? i was born and breed in NSW for me there is no other option but to go for the Blues. but i know many ppl who were also born and breed in nsw and go for qld. there seams to be many reasons why they do this.
1. they follow broncos (other disgusting sin for a nsw person to do!)
2. they live close to the border. ( still u live in NSW!)
3. their family/parents relocated to nsw so gave them no real choice but to follow qld growing up.
4. mystery reason, they just follow qld.
i understand that is hard to go for a state team that is full of players you dont like and the other team is full of players who u love, i understand families push their team choices onto children. so these two reason may be excusable, i said may!
state of origin for me is the game you want to play, i think its bigger and better then test spot, playing for Australia, state of orgin is a better competition then a test match against nz or uk. i believe this so much i have said if i was playing footy and was given an opportunity to sign first grade, an event i have longed and waited for, but the team was broncos, storm, cowboys, warriors, i wouldnt sign as it means i would not be able to play for NSW. and if i did sign with them having no choice but to sign then was picked in the QLD side i would turn it down, even though this would cost me a spot on the Australian team. i could not play in a maroon jersey
another thing i love about the game is the state bet between the premiers, this years bet is the loosing state's premier has to have a signed framed jersey of the winning state hung in their office for a year. at least that only effects them, i would hate to loose the bet where we have to fly the qld flag on the harbour bridge.
anyways one last thing to say GO NSW!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
wonders in Erskineville, don't mess with 5 year olds!
my step brothers and step sister live in marrickville, which is about a 40 minute drive from us in campbelltown. and sits about 20 minutes from the cbd of sydney (im going on the drive it takes including traffic.)
anyways occasionally i drive them home on sundays and tonight i drove them home and dropped my step dad off at erskineville on the way home (erskinville is 5 mins from marrickville) i took Jack with me for the drive.
i had never drove and being driven to erskineville before, ever! and by the time we go there is was after 6.30 so already dark. i dropped him off 2 streets from the highway and it was simple to get back out. but stupid me on the way back out turned right instead of left, i kinda knew instantly that i made a wrong turn but proceeded the wrong way as i was 100% sure. when i got to botany rd i knew i was way off. i pulled into the maccas on the corner to get jack a happy meal and call adrian so he could direct me back to newtown. when i called him he was supper pissed off as he thought i would be almost home by this point and had dinner 5 minutes from the table so instead of helping me he started yelling, which caused me to hang up and continue back form the way i came and try to find the street i need to get back on. in the end i drove around for 20 minutes trying to find this street. and i did stop and looked through my car for the street directory which adrian had taken out yesterday (why i dont know!!) then i called adrian needing desperate help i was stuck in some abandon streets in erskineville industrial area, 7pm on a sunday. adrian didnt answer the phone, now im supper pissed off myself thinking his not answering cos he is being a prick, and scared i might be wondering around all night. anyway i eventually find my way and kicked my self of the stupid mistake i did. and when we get back on the Pacific highway Jack immediately says "now we know where we are, we are on our way home from erskineville!"
then jack and i bitch about how adrian took the street directory out of the car and how he didnt answer the phone. Jack was going on "he is sooo naughty adrian!, im very angry at him! im going to punch him when i see him" the phone rings and jack answers it saying to adrian "we are very angry at you adrian! taking the maps out of the car, we got lost!, we were scared, it was dark, and you didnt help us!" adrian hung up on jack "now im super angry at him!" he says so we call adrian back "im super angry at you now adrian! why did u hang up!" adrian had enough of jack yelling at him so i tell him im in leumeah and will be about 15 minutes. jack is still angry saying he wants to punch adrian, i say "we're not going to punch him, he needs to say sorry to us though" then jack says "no we should take the maps out next time he is driving somewhere, so when he gets lost, he'll call and we can laugh and say sucked in and he'll drive around lost while you cook dinner, and he'' be starving, and he wont even be able to go to maccas cos he'll be lost!" then he says "next time he is naughty to you lisa you call me and ill talk to him, he has to be nice to my sister!"
i thought it was soo cute, adrian is gonna have to make it up to him, but perhaps jack will forget by the next time he sees adrian he idolizes adrian so....
oh it turned out adrian didnt ignore my call he was in the shower and he was angry cos dinner was ruined!
anyways occasionally i drive them home on sundays and tonight i drove them home and dropped my step dad off at erskineville on the way home (erskinville is 5 mins from marrickville) i took Jack with me for the drive.
i had never drove and being driven to erskineville before, ever! and by the time we go there is was after 6.30 so already dark. i dropped him off 2 streets from the highway and it was simple to get back out. but stupid me on the way back out turned right instead of left, i kinda knew instantly that i made a wrong turn but proceeded the wrong way as i was 100% sure. when i got to botany rd i knew i was way off. i pulled into the maccas on the corner to get jack a happy meal and call adrian so he could direct me back to newtown. when i called him he was supper pissed off as he thought i would be almost home by this point and had dinner 5 minutes from the table so instead of helping me he started yelling, which caused me to hang up and continue back form the way i came and try to find the street i need to get back on. in the end i drove around for 20 minutes trying to find this street. and i did stop and looked through my car for the street directory which adrian had taken out yesterday (why i dont know!!) then i called adrian needing desperate help i was stuck in some abandon streets in erskineville industrial area, 7pm on a sunday. adrian didnt answer the phone, now im supper pissed off myself thinking his not answering cos he is being a prick, and scared i might be wondering around all night. anyway i eventually find my way and kicked my self of the stupid mistake i did. and when we get back on the Pacific highway Jack immediately says "now we know where we are, we are on our way home from erskineville!"
then jack and i bitch about how adrian took the street directory out of the car and how he didnt answer the phone. Jack was going on "he is sooo naughty adrian!, im very angry at him! im going to punch him when i see him" the phone rings and jack answers it saying to adrian "we are very angry at you adrian! taking the maps out of the car, we got lost!, we were scared, it was dark, and you didnt help us!" adrian hung up on jack "now im super angry at him!" he says so we call adrian back "im super angry at you now adrian! why did u hang up!" adrian had enough of jack yelling at him so i tell him im in leumeah and will be about 15 minutes. jack is still angry saying he wants to punch adrian, i say "we're not going to punch him, he needs to say sorry to us though" then jack says "no we should take the maps out next time he is driving somewhere, so when he gets lost, he'll call and we can laugh and say sucked in and he'll drive around lost while you cook dinner, and he'' be starving, and he wont even be able to go to maccas cos he'll be lost!" then he says "next time he is naughty to you lisa you call me and ill talk to him, he has to be nice to my sister!"
i thought it was soo cute, adrian is gonna have to make it up to him, but perhaps jack will forget by the next time he sees adrian he idolizes adrian so....
oh it turned out adrian didnt ignore my call he was in the shower and he was angry cos dinner was ruined!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sexy costume? update

while i was reading back through my posts i realised i had bloged about my costume for adrian's cousin's 21st (well actually i had forgot to type "cousin" in the last blog so i made it sound like it was adrians 21st)
well anyway i mentioned i had decided to go as a prostitute and adrian as a pimp. so i had brought my boots yay!, and had other accessories like hand cuffs, whip/ feather thing. and had to buy a costume and fishnets. i had gone to bras and thingsa and had tried on a school girl out fit and "miss massage" the school girl one was waaay to short, and the miss massage one was a little too short i would need something else underneath it. i took my friends to adults shops to scout for new costumes and all the good ones looked crap and were so expensive. so i settled on the miss massage outfit with fishnets, FM boots and my leather jacket i also brought a cami to go under the dress and it sits about 2 inchs lower then the dress and comes with a v-string which i have decided not to wear after trying on the whole outfit and discovering it i accidentally had my dress ride up id rather show off briefs then my bare ass. my in-laws will be there. i also discovered that my stockings are a tad to short as there is about a 3 inch gap between the tops of the stockings and my dress.
hopefully i added the pictures of the outfits correctly.
stay tune to see if i have the guts to actually wear it to the party.

blog meltdown
as i have previously mentioned about a 100 times i import these on to my fb and they normally take about 3 hours to arrive on to my fb profile, late on wednesday night i published two blog post and thought they would be on my profile by yesterday morning. how ever they werent there, i waited all day for them to show up but they didnt come, very strange. (they arrived this morning very late!)
the later it became in the day the more annoyed i became they hadnt arrived yet.
when adrian came home and the taging mishap came up i discovered adrian reads all my blogs. he told me its the only way he finds things out these days. my god what an exaggeration! there is plenty of stuff i DONT put on here. and every thing in here he KNOWS! he knows! so to prove my point i re read all my post. yes he knows everything god!
but i also discovered my 100000 spelling, grammar, typos god i DO need to start proof reading these things before i publish them,
perhaps tomorrow i have a IM waiting for me :)
the later it became in the day the more annoyed i became they hadnt arrived yet.
when adrian came home and the taging mishap came up i discovered adrian reads all my blogs. he told me its the only way he finds things out these days. my god what an exaggeration! there is plenty of stuff i DONT put on here. and every thing in here he KNOWS! he knows! so to prove my point i re read all my post. yes he knows everything god!
but i also discovered my 100000 spelling, grammar, typos god i DO need to start proof reading these things before i publish them,
perhaps tomorrow i have a IM waiting for me :)
Tagging is dangerous
yesterday stupid me what was i thinking?
i tagged adrian in a blog via our facebook. unbeknown to me if you tag someone in a blog notifications go out to all of the tagged persons friends there for giving them an invite to read what you posted. GOD! i dont mind my friends reading my blog thats why i import them on to my facebook, i dont even mind total randoms reading my blog, but people i have to associate with that dont know me? yeah i kinda mind. adrian thought it was fucking hilarious. good god im such a dick head!
i tagged adrian in a blog via our facebook. unbeknown to me if you tag someone in a blog notifications go out to all of the tagged persons friends there for giving them an invite to read what you posted. GOD! i dont mind my friends reading my blog thats why i import them on to my facebook, i dont even mind total randoms reading my blog, but people i have to associate with that dont know me? yeah i kinda mind. adrian thought it was fucking hilarious. good god im such a dick head!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
You Tube From Michael
if you are reading this by my notes section on my fb u need to go to the original post on my blogger site to see the clip as with all you tube post.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Facebook suprise
im actually quite surprised at my facebook obsessions.
i took a while as i mentioned before to get over to it i had a myspace acount and saw ppls obsession with added ppl and it seamed like a race/competition to collect as many friends as you could. i couldn't see the point and only wanted ppl that i wanted to talk to. Adrian then converted me to facebook and i left myspace behind as same with my non need to add, i now have 74 friends on fb.
i originally just wanted to have family and friends a way to keep intouch with those i dont see regularly, and see what old school friends were up to. like i mentioned before im more a stalker then an adder, ill see what ppl are up to via their fbs but are too scared to add them. recently though i have gone a bit crazy and added quite a few. many of them i have never met! well i the flesh that is.
it all started with one person.
while on fb one Saturday i searched to see if fb had a chat application and what a suprise they do so i add it. i go into the Aussie room and there is 3 ppl in there Suzy, Michael, and Ben. suzy was leaving so it was just the 3 of us and chatted about footy i was watching the swans play.
the next day being the chat junky that i am. i go in again and there is just Michael there. he asks me if i am addicted to the net and do i live on fb i say yeah i do/am. is he since the reason he is asking as i have seen him twice now in here. he says he is the same.
i quickly become a regular in the room and meet Linda, Krystle and Lucian.
i wanted to add them all as fb friends but was a little nervous about i didnt know u do this. then Linda and Suzy add me then so does Krystle. i add Michael and Lucian they accept
so now im added ppl off the chat room, Adrian thinks im weird. i refer to them as my non flesh friends. i then add Luke and Ashlee 2 more i see all the time
i now only add if i see and talk to them more then 1 time preferably 3 min since i have a bout 5 i dont chat to and never see them in the room.
but now most days i speak to Michael, Lucian, Suzy, Krystle and Ashlee.
and now i have added 4 more ppl i found on the lymphoma group page who are fellow HL survivours/current patients which is soo good to speak to some one else.
i read in my aunty's blog that the internet of old was for her a way to meet new ppl, and although fb is set up as a networking site u rearly form friendships with ppl u meet randomly on there. and she has mostly friends and family on fb. where im the other way around the most ppl i speak to on fb are the ppl i have met on fb. i do enjoy speaking to them all, and id probably would meet them if i was near them, well the girls i am near we could organise a night out but i need to be cancer free before i head out to a night in the city.
i took a while as i mentioned before to get over to it i had a myspace acount and saw ppls obsession with added ppl and it seamed like a race/competition to collect as many friends as you could. i couldn't see the point and only wanted ppl that i wanted to talk to. Adrian then converted me to facebook and i left myspace behind as same with my non need to add, i now have 74 friends on fb.
i originally just wanted to have family and friends a way to keep intouch with those i dont see regularly, and see what old school friends were up to. like i mentioned before im more a stalker then an adder, ill see what ppl are up to via their fbs but are too scared to add them. recently though i have gone a bit crazy and added quite a few. many of them i have never met! well i the flesh that is.
it all started with one person.
while on fb one Saturday i searched to see if fb had a chat application and what a suprise they do so i add it. i go into the Aussie room and there is 3 ppl in there Suzy, Michael, and Ben. suzy was leaving so it was just the 3 of us and chatted about footy i was watching the swans play.
the next day being the chat junky that i am. i go in again and there is just Michael there. he asks me if i am addicted to the net and do i live on fb i say yeah i do/am. is he since the reason he is asking as i have seen him twice now in here. he says he is the same.
i quickly become a regular in the room and meet Linda, Krystle and Lucian.
i wanted to add them all as fb friends but was a little nervous about i didnt know u do this. then Linda and Suzy add me then so does Krystle. i add Michael and Lucian they accept
so now im added ppl off the chat room, Adrian thinks im weird. i refer to them as my non flesh friends. i then add Luke and Ashlee 2 more i see all the time
i now only add if i see and talk to them more then 1 time preferably 3 min since i have a bout 5 i dont chat to and never see them in the room.
but now most days i speak to Michael, Lucian, Suzy, Krystle and Ashlee.
and now i have added 4 more ppl i found on the lymphoma group page who are fellow HL survivours/current patients which is soo good to speak to some one else.
i read in my aunty's blog that the internet of old was for her a way to meet new ppl, and although fb is set up as a networking site u rearly form friendships with ppl u meet randomly on there. and she has mostly friends and family on fb. where im the other way around the most ppl i speak to on fb are the ppl i have met on fb. i do enjoy speaking to them all, and id probably would meet them if i was near them, well the girls i am near we could organise a night out but i need to be cancer free before i head out to a night in the city.
the Evil Lisa
last night on facebook (me on face book thats umpossible!)i found this test "what Greek philosopher are u" and i decide to do it here is my results
Cicero introduced Greek philosophy to Rome. He was a versatile Roman philosopher, so versatile that he's impossible to summarize here. He considered his most important achievements to be political; during the dictatorship of Julius Caesar, he championed the return to a traditional Roman Republic. He also created a Latin philosophical vocabulary, introduced formal letter writing to Europe, and was an impressive orator and lawyer.
yes you read right he is roman not Greek, the only option that isnt greek and i get it ripped off! i want my money back! so i posted my complaint lol
this sucks i do a "Greek" philosopher test and get a non-greek philosopher ripped off!
so i then decide to do what evil dictator would i be
A female ruler at a time when most women weren't even educated (11th century Byzantine Empire). You and Theodora aren't bad off, and you both vigorously assert your rights and work hard for what you want. You also shatter traditional ideas about gender roles on a daily basis. Hats off to you!
wow i get a woman dictator i thought id be worse
i suppose because i told the truth and didnt pick the funny answers
then i decide hey what serial killer am i ?
Gary Ridgway
Gary Ridgway killed 50 people and wasn't apprehended for 17 years. Wow! He was a missionary killer - he killed them in an attempt to clean society of "undesirables". Society later decided that Gary's murders were undesirable, and sentenced him to life in prison with the low-lifes he was trying to kill. Nice. You might have a tempestuous family life, and you drive a pickup"font-weight:bold;">
this sucks i wanted Bundy or Berkowitz god even Radar or Kürten
okay i know little too much about serial killers
then i think mmmmm drugs what type of drug am i
You are Heroin: A dirivitive of the Opium poppy; You are used for recreational purposes providing great euphoria. You are known for "chasing the dragon"... if you don't know what that means, you're probably stoned.
Street names for Heroin include: Aunt Hazel, Black Eagle, Chip, Doogie, Foil, George, Hache, Joy, Muzzle, Noise, Perfect High, Rush Hour, Skag, Thunder, and White Dragon.
man! i wanted LSD or at least pot. i suppose opium is ok but .... ( i have a new found respect for LSD after i found out that the guy who invented/discovered it died at 102! 102! 102!)
so i then do i more test what type of assassin am i?
Nathuram Godse
Nathuram Godse: You assassinated Mahatma Gandhi. As a boy, you idolized Gandhi, but that changed when you held Gandhi responsible for the "Partition of India" which resulted in hundreds of thousands dead. You also wanted to start anti-muslim riots. You have been sentenced to death by hanging.
man i wanted Gavrilo Princip at least he started a world war, which lead to other wars lasting 70 yrs!
well it all was quite disappointing but most fb applications are lol
Cicero introduced Greek philosophy to Rome. He was a versatile Roman philosopher, so versatile that he's impossible to summarize here. He considered his most important achievements to be political; during the dictatorship of Julius Caesar, he championed the return to a traditional Roman Republic. He also created a Latin philosophical vocabulary, introduced formal letter writing to Europe, and was an impressive orator and lawyer.
yes you read right he is roman not Greek, the only option that isnt greek and i get it ripped off! i want my money back! so i posted my complaint lol
this sucks i do a "Greek" philosopher test and get a non-greek philosopher ripped off!
so i then decide to do what evil dictator would i be
A female ruler at a time when most women weren't even educated (11th century Byzantine Empire). You and Theodora aren't bad off, and you both vigorously assert your rights and work hard for what you want. You also shatter traditional ideas about gender roles on a daily basis. Hats off to you!
wow i get a woman dictator i thought id be worse
i suppose because i told the truth and didnt pick the funny answers
then i decide hey what serial killer am i ?
Gary Ridgway
Gary Ridgway killed 50 people and wasn't apprehended for 17 years. Wow! He was a missionary killer - he killed them in an attempt to clean society of "undesirables". Society later decided that Gary's murders were undesirable, and sentenced him to life in prison with the low-lifes he was trying to kill. Nice. You might have a tempestuous family life, and you drive a pickup"font-weight:bold;">
this sucks i wanted Bundy or Berkowitz god even Radar or Kürten
okay i know little too much about serial killers
then i think mmmmm drugs what type of drug am i
You are Heroin: A dirivitive of the Opium poppy; You are used for recreational purposes providing great euphoria. You are known for "chasing the dragon"... if you don't know what that means, you're probably stoned.
Street names for Heroin include: Aunt Hazel, Black Eagle, Chip, Doogie, Foil, George, Hache, Joy, Muzzle, Noise, Perfect High, Rush Hour, Skag, Thunder, and White Dragon.
man! i wanted LSD or at least pot. i suppose opium is ok but .... ( i have a new found respect for LSD after i found out that the guy who invented/discovered it died at 102! 102! 102!)
so i then do i more test what type of assassin am i?
Nathuram Godse
Nathuram Godse: You assassinated Mahatma Gandhi. As a boy, you idolized Gandhi, but that changed when you held Gandhi responsible for the "Partition of India" which resulted in hundreds of thousands dead. You also wanted to start anti-muslim riots. You have been sentenced to death by hanging.
man i wanted Gavrilo Princip at least he started a world war, which lead to other wars lasting 70 yrs!
well it all was quite disappointing but most fb applications are lol
Thursday, May 8, 2008
bisexuality a cliche? and do i want it?
this will have to be the most nervous post i've done.
okay i know i said earlier that i was candid about my self and particularly about my sexuality. but i didn't state what it is (well i did but not clearly) although i have never been ashamed or nothing i just have been careful with who knows. since it dosnt only affect me. but my family and i mean extended family.
back looong time ago when i was 18. most of my discussions with my friends and Adrian (new boy friend) were about sex. threesomes were also a big topic of converstation. and being girls my friends and i found it comfortable to say what chicks were hot and not. (unlike guys, girls can do this and still maintain that they are 100% straight.) threesomes also became a huge topic in Adrian's and and i relationship. around this time i suddenly realised that i was more than just curious about sex with girls. i really wanted to do it. and had developed "crushes" on some of my friends (i say crushes but it really was just wanting have sex with them. i began bringing up 3somes with Adrian more and more and eventually i came to the conclusion i was bisexual.
bisexuality is a big scope so i felt the need to define it to myself. i was in love with Adrian and wanted to marry him (by this stage we were engaged) and loved men. but was also interested in women, and found them hot too. i had no desire to pursue a relationship with a women. and my feelings for women were basically all about sex.
admitting it was a bit scary as when i was younger i was always confused by the bisexual person. how do they stay faithful? do they eventually choose an orientation? how is that fair for their partner?
now i realise you stay faithful to your partner because you want to and its not that hard if you love them. no i didn't eventually "become" straight because i'm married. i still have the same feelings just i wont be having relationships now with women as im in a committed relationship. when your straight and you get married you still find other men hot, you just dont go and sleep with them. how is this fair for Adrian? i hope he has nothing to worry about me running off with another person woman or man.
after i said to myself "Lisa your bi!" i told Adrian he was pretty cool about it (guys dream and all that) and i think he knew. i then told my friends who also were "yep we know!"
it became a big thing for me. i wanted to experiment. and it was a big focus of my sex life and personality for some time.
now years later it has faded into the back ground. more people know now, like my mum and sister who i was afraid to initially tell. I've done my experimenting although i would like more.
I've reevaluated what bi means to me, i think if i was bi before i met Adrian would i'v had a relationship with a women?, if Adrian and i divorced would i go on to be with a women? i dont know these answers and i never will. and it dosnt really bother me.
i once thought everyone was bisexuality just on different scales.
and now in this age maybe im right.
to me bisexuality , especially for women has become a cliche. or experimenting with girls for young women has become a right of passage every one does these days (god i sound old) it seams every where i turn there is a bunch of young women kissing each other, saying they're bi. and i have to wonder are they? or are they just making a statement? trying to turn guys on? it certainly more acceptable now so is that why there is more women being vocal about it?
but it all seams cliche! and whilst im not saying im not bi anymore (its not a choice) i just hate being part of that cliche!
okay i know i said earlier that i was candid about my self and particularly about my sexuality. but i didn't state what it is (well i did but not clearly) although i have never been ashamed or nothing i just have been careful with who knows. since it dosnt only affect me. but my family and i mean extended family.
back looong time ago when i was 18. most of my discussions with my friends and Adrian (new boy friend) were about sex. threesomes were also a big topic of converstation. and being girls my friends and i found it comfortable to say what chicks were hot and not. (unlike guys, girls can do this and still maintain that they are 100% straight.) threesomes also became a huge topic in Adrian's and and i relationship. around this time i suddenly realised that i was more than just curious about sex with girls. i really wanted to do it. and had developed "crushes" on some of my friends (i say crushes but it really was just wanting have sex with them. i began bringing up 3somes with Adrian more and more and eventually i came to the conclusion i was bisexual.
bisexuality is a big scope so i felt the need to define it to myself. i was in love with Adrian and wanted to marry him (by this stage we were engaged) and loved men. but was also interested in women, and found them hot too. i had no desire to pursue a relationship with a women. and my feelings for women were basically all about sex.
admitting it was a bit scary as when i was younger i was always confused by the bisexual person. how do they stay faithful? do they eventually choose an orientation? how is that fair for their partner?
now i realise you stay faithful to your partner because you want to and its not that hard if you love them. no i didn't eventually "become" straight because i'm married. i still have the same feelings just i wont be having relationships now with women as im in a committed relationship. when your straight and you get married you still find other men hot, you just dont go and sleep with them. how is this fair for Adrian? i hope he has nothing to worry about me running off with another person woman or man.
after i said to myself "Lisa your bi!" i told Adrian he was pretty cool about it (guys dream and all that) and i think he knew. i then told my friends who also were "yep we know!"
it became a big thing for me. i wanted to experiment. and it was a big focus of my sex life and personality for some time.
now years later it has faded into the back ground. more people know now, like my mum and sister who i was afraid to initially tell. I've done my experimenting although i would like more.
I've reevaluated what bi means to me, i think if i was bi before i met Adrian would i'v had a relationship with a women?, if Adrian and i divorced would i go on to be with a women? i dont know these answers and i never will. and it dosnt really bother me.
i once thought everyone was bisexuality just on different scales.
and now in this age maybe im right.
to me bisexuality , especially for women has become a cliche. or experimenting with girls for young women has become a right of passage every one does these days (god i sound old) it seams every where i turn there is a bunch of young women kissing each other, saying they're bi. and i have to wonder are they? or are they just making a statement? trying to turn guys on? it certainly more acceptable now so is that why there is more women being vocal about it?
but it all seams cliche! and whilst im not saying im not bi anymore (its not a choice) i just hate being part of that cliche!
Monday, May 5, 2008
6 websites i cant live without
i really cant believe im that hooked back into the internet again and how much im spending on line and i have one website to thank/blame for this FACEBOOK! facebook led into 4 other websites i now spend too much time on.
so here are the top 5
1. needs no introduction- of course it's facebook. i spend waaay to much time on it and it is the first page i log onto every time i long online. i check my friends updates/notifications ect ect. msg and chat to friends, then waste time adding countless useless applications, doing useless test/quizzes, and joining pointless groups! i also do the puzzles, henjei puzzles and trivia test.
2. The next page i visit is blogger yes of course i have a blog well if your reading this you know lol. this is a place i can ramble on and on perfect for me who never runs out something to say but always runs out of ppl to say things to. so i blog what is happening in my life, what i think about the news events and upload utube videos and slide shows. when i write i live in the balance of fear someone is reading this or upset no one is reading it.
3. of course is google its my little saviour up in the top right corner of the page. where i can google EVERYTHING that is beyond me. ppl, movies, places, songs, and a blessing for me single words to correct my horrid spelling, yet i still get wrong.!
4. Where would google go if it wasn’t for wikipeida. the website i wish was around when i was in high school! i spent hours on there in my obsession with history and knowledge, sometimes morbid as it may be.
i read about royal history, WWII, Egypt, then freckly yes i search David Berkowitz, ted Bundy, Jeffery darhma.
5. you tube where i can keep my fav clips from shows and not block up the hard drive on foxtel or dvd recorder, so i post so u think you can dance clips, songs, Simpson’s, and sports ect.
6 i almost for got about this one i cant believe it this website was invented just for me and i could probably assist in running i. IMDB for a movie buff like me who needs to know every movie and tv show an actor has ever been in this is the place to go! it also has discussions boards of every movie, tv show, actor/actress. so i have posted thousands of opinions on my fav boards like "days of our lives" (scary one first!)
all the harry potter ones, and star wars, Dawson's creak to name a few. and my friends had to stage and intervention on me when i was addicted lol.
so here are the top 5
1. needs no introduction- of course it's facebook. i spend waaay to much time on it and it is the first page i log onto every time i long online. i check my friends updates/notifications ect ect. msg and chat to friends, then waste time adding countless useless applications, doing useless test/quizzes, and joining pointless groups! i also do the puzzles, henjei puzzles and trivia test.
2. The next page i visit is blogger yes of course i have a blog well if your reading this you know lol. this is a place i can ramble on and on perfect for me who never runs out something to say but always runs out of ppl to say things to. so i blog what is happening in my life, what i think about the news events and upload utube videos and slide shows. when i write i live in the balance of fear someone is reading this or upset no one is reading it.
3. of course is google its my little saviour up in the top right corner of the page. where i can google EVERYTHING that is beyond me. ppl, movies, places, songs, and a blessing for me single words to correct my horrid spelling, yet i still get wrong.!
4. Where would google go if it wasn’t for wikipeida. the website i wish was around when i was in high school! i spent hours on there in my obsession with history and knowledge, sometimes morbid as it may be.
i read about royal history, WWII, Egypt, then freckly yes i search David Berkowitz, ted Bundy, Jeffery darhma.
5. you tube where i can keep my fav clips from shows and not block up the hard drive on foxtel or dvd recorder, so i post so u think you can dance clips, songs, Simpson’s, and sports ect.
6 i almost for got about this one i cant believe it this website was invented just for me and i could probably assist in running i. IMDB for a movie buff like me who needs to know every movie and tv show an actor has ever been in this is the place to go! it also has discussions boards of every movie, tv show, actor/actress. so i have posted thousands of opinions on my fav boards like "days of our lives" (scary one first!)
all the harry potter ones, and star wars, Dawson's creak to name a few. and my friends had to stage and intervention on me when i was addicted lol.
Chain mail from Jen
Okay people, lets have some fun...This one is interesting.........Just hit forward and place an X by all the things you've done or remove the X from the ones you have not and send it to your friends (including me). Be sure to send your answers back to me.
( ) Smoked a cigarette
( x ) Drank so much you threw up
( x ) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
( ) Been arrested
( )Gone on a blind date:
( x ) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
( ) Been to Perth
( x ) Been to Melbourne
( ) Been to Florida
(X) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
( ) Been on the opposite side of the country.
( ) Gone to Alice Springs
( x ) Swam in the ocean
( x ) Felt like dying
( x ) Cried yourself to sleep.....
( x ) Played cops and robbers
( X ) Recently coloured with crayons
( x ) Sang Karaoke
( x ) Paid for a meal with only coins
( x ) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't-
( x ) Made prank phone calls.
( x ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x ) Danced in the rain
( x ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
( x ) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
( ) Gone ice-skating
( x ) Been skinny dipping
( ) Gone to the movies, paid for one ticket and then snuck someone else in after the movie start
1. Any nicknames growing up? Lis, lissey, missy, boney maraoney, Mackie, chickie, skinny minny, Maggie, phebes
2. Mother's name? Kym
3. Favourite drink? Chocolate milk, cookie n cream from Gloria jeans, coke,
4. Tattoos? Not yet
5. Body piercing? Just my ears
6. Birthplace? Liverpool hospital
7. Favourite vacation spot? I really want to go to Tahiti
8. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Probably
9. Ever been on TV? Not that I know of
10 Ever steal any traffic signs ? no
11. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
12. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door
13. Favourite salad dressing? Greek, balsamic, honey mustard
14. Favourite pie? Apple Pie
15. Favourite number? 2, 7, 16, 0r 18
16. Favourite movie? Grease
17. Favourite holiday? My honeymoon
18. Favourite dessert? Mud cake or apple pie
19. Favourite food? Italian, Japanese
20. Favourite day of the week? They all feel the same atm
21. Favourite brand of perfume? Romance by Ralph Lauren, but do I own a bottle nooooo
22. Favourite toothpaste? Fave? Seriously? Who likes toothpaste? I used to use Coalgate 2 in 1, now using MacLean’s enamel protect
23. Favourite smell? Cookies, vanilla
24. What do you do to relax? Read a book, bath, fb
25. Do you have a message to your friends? Not really…. Ill be posting these on my blog though
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? 10 years? Im sick of looking into the future! But I do want children by then and my uni degree finished!
27. Farthest place you will send this message? Qld
28. Who will respond the fastest? who knows???
( ) Smoked a cigarette
( x ) Drank so much you threw up
( x ) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
( ) Been arrested
( )Gone on a blind date:
( x ) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
( ) Been to Perth
( x ) Been to Melbourne
( ) Been to Florida
(X) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
( ) Been on the opposite side of the country.
( ) Gone to Alice Springs
( x ) Swam in the ocean
( x ) Felt like dying
( x ) Cried yourself to sleep.....
( x ) Played cops and robbers
( X ) Recently coloured with crayons
( x ) Sang Karaoke
( x ) Paid for a meal with only coins
( x ) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't-
( x ) Made prank phone calls.
( x ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x ) Danced in the rain
( x ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
( x ) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
( ) Gone ice-skating
( x ) Been skinny dipping
( ) Gone to the movies, paid for one ticket and then snuck someone else in after the movie start
1. Any nicknames growing up? Lis, lissey, missy, boney maraoney, Mackie, chickie, skinny minny, Maggie, phebes
2. Mother's name? Kym
3. Favourite drink? Chocolate milk, cookie n cream from Gloria jeans, coke,
4. Tattoos? Not yet
5. Body piercing? Just my ears
6. Birthplace? Liverpool hospital
7. Favourite vacation spot? I really want to go to Tahiti
8. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Probably
9. Ever been on TV? Not that I know of
10 Ever steal any traffic signs ? no
11. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
12. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door
13. Favourite salad dressing? Greek, balsamic, honey mustard
14. Favourite pie? Apple Pie
15. Favourite number? 2, 7, 16, 0r 18
16. Favourite movie? Grease
17. Favourite holiday? My honeymoon
18. Favourite dessert? Mud cake or apple pie
19. Favourite food? Italian, Japanese
20. Favourite day of the week? They all feel the same atm
21. Favourite brand of perfume? Romance by Ralph Lauren, but do I own a bottle nooooo
22. Favourite toothpaste? Fave? Seriously? Who likes toothpaste? I used to use Coalgate 2 in 1, now using MacLean’s enamel protect
23. Favourite smell? Cookies, vanilla
24. What do you do to relax? Read a book, bath, fb
25. Do you have a message to your friends? Not really…. Ill be posting these on my blog though
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? 10 years? Im sick of looking into the future! But I do want children by then and my uni degree finished!
27. Farthest place you will send this message? Qld
28. Who will respond the fastest? who knows???
Sunday, May 4, 2008
facebook the obsessive = Lisa
so as most of you know i have a two story house where most living is upstairs (ie 3 bed, kitchen, lounge, dinning, bathroom) and downstairs we have the garages, laudry and 2nd lounge room where we have the play station and pc set up with lounger. there is phone ports in both lounge rooms, kitchen, one of the bedroom, and one in the staff room that is connected to the house but we have no internal access, unforntualtly that port is the only port with a filter for the internet. so while i wish we could have the pc in one of the spare rooms the port is too far away. so we have to put the pc down in the lounge room to be closer to the port. this worked for a while, but now when im on the net it continually drops out the whole time, and i have to restart the pc about 4 times. ahhhhh. adrian has a lap top that he brings home from work most days this has a better net connection able to pick it up all over the house so this is where i do most fb and blogging from. trouble is adrian hates me using the laptop, cos im constantly on it when its home and im constantly on fb and im chatting on fb. he hates me chatting. i think he thinks im cheating on him with fb lol. so now we need an electrician to come put a filter in the down stairs lounge room to help with the pc net connection.
anyways i ring on up on thursday to book an electrician and he sounds sleezy to say the least and uncomfortable, and i suddenly relies that the only person who knows he is coming to the house is a fb friend i was chatting to about him. and i start thinking he could attack me and no one would know!, ok i know im totally overreacting since i just talked to said friend about it and how the net could of been my witness, and not to mentioned my work is NEXT DOOR! but still!
so i cancelled him and now have to ring another electrician for this week. when the pc is better, i wont be able to fb from bed!!
anyways i ring on up on thursday to book an electrician and he sounds sleezy to say the least and uncomfortable, and i suddenly relies that the only person who knows he is coming to the house is a fb friend i was chatting to about him. and i start thinking he could attack me and no one would know!, ok i know im totally overreacting since i just talked to said friend about it and how the net could of been my witness, and not to mentioned my work is NEXT DOOR! but still!
so i cancelled him and now have to ring another electrician for this week. when the pc is better, i wont be able to fb from bed!!
chemo day with jen
i had chemo on tuesday after a week off, my veins were against me, the nurse couldn't find one then when he did the cannula wouldn't flush properly so it pooped out and he had to recannulate me on the other hand. so now i have 2 bruised wrists. becos i was booked in early i got home before 4pm a first for me i was excited! this chemo was my 6th treatment and the completion of my 3rd cycle so it officially marked the half way point in the cancer/ chemo journey.
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